Ruling sceptile GE ?

charzard 10210

charzard were did u go to a party!!
ok i was looking at this card and it said
"each basic grass energy attached to each of your grass pokemon provides 2 grass enegy instead you cant use more then 1 wild growth pokeboby per turn.
so i dont get something

if i have 2 energy attached to secptile so what it says is it only provides once so if i have 1 grass energy it provides 2 if i attach another does it also provide 2?
The only thing this means is that 1 energy with 2 Sceppy's in play won't provide 2x2 Energies. So yeah, all your Energies are still doubled, but only doubled once at most.
What it is refering to is that if you had two Sceptile's out, only 1's body would take effect (ie, 1 grass only provides 2, not 4).