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Sceptile / Genesect-EX


Aspiring Trainer

  • 1x Exeggcute
    3x Genesect EX
    1x Shaymin EX
    3x Treeco
    1x Grovyle
    3x Sceptile
    2x Virizion EX

  • 1x Bicycle
    1x Escape Rope
    3x Hypnotoxic Laser
    3x Rare Candy
    2x Superior Energy Retrieval
    3x Ultra Ball
    3x VS Seeker
    2x Colress
    1x Lysandre
    1x Lysandre's Trump Card
    4x N
    4x Sycamore
    1x Teammates
    3x Virbank Gym
    1x G Booster

  • 2x Plasma Energy
    11x Grass Energy


Get out Sceptile, attach energy to Genesect EX, hurt things. I just wanted to work this new Sceptile into a somewhat competitive deck. As your sole energy acceleration it might be too slow, so adding in Virizion EX helps and provides protection against status. Sceptile in general helps Genesect's staying power.