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Scizagross (Seniors, any Tournament)


VM if you want to play ACNL with me!
Pokemon- 16

Scizor PRIME X1

Beldum X1

Metang X1

Metagross X1

Makuhita X3

Hariyama X1

Meditite X1

Medicham X1

Croagunk X1

Toxicroak X1

Whismur X1

Loudred X1

Exploud X1

Bertha's Golem X1

T/S/S- 13

PlusPower X4
Energy Search X2
Energy Exchanger X1
Professor Oak's Visit X2
Switch X1
Roseanne's Research X1
Dusk Ball X2

Energys- 30

Steel Energy- 8
Fighting/Ground/Rock Energy- 19
Psychic Energy- 3


First, add the cards all up, and how many cards do you get? 59. Thats right, my deck isn't completed yet, I still need a Scyther so I can use Scizor Prime(check out this thread if interested) But anyways, this is a Scizagross deck. Scizor Prime PokeBody is really nice and it's only move, Metal Scissors, is really good, and that is why I have all of the Steel Energy's. Metagross, the uh.. other factor in this deck and is a good one. Magnetic Reversal is a good PokePower if he needs to defeat other important foes first, and Extra Comet Punch does the job really nicely. Exploud's Ambient Noise is another good attack because I can do 50 damage and confuse the foe at the same time, and Hyper Voice after that really cleans up a lot of opponents. Toxicroak is a really great annoyer with Poison Sacs not letting the opponent get rid of poisoning, even if they evolved and leveled up.(to lv.X) And guess what Knuckle Claws, his only attack, does? Poison the Pokemon off the bat and you don't even need to flip a coin. Sure its only does 30 attack, but it sure is great to see your opponent have a Pokemon that is poisoned all game, is it? Medicham is a really great revenge KO'er when Medicham is in her last bits with Force Palm when it lets me put as many damage counters as Medicham has on any one of the opponents Pokemon. Spinning Kick is really for the beginning of when Medicham comes out and not at the end. Hariyama is another great revenge KO'er with Spirited Throw, because it can do 80 damage if Hariyama has less HP then the opponent, which is good. Spirited Throw is also almost a guaranteed KO with a Palm Strike or two because I can flip a coin and if it goes heads, I can do 60 damage. Now for Bertha's Golem. It can work as a revenge KO'er but I am using it as a sort of last minute Pokemon, usually if me and my opponent is on our last Pokemon. Double-edge really gives the chance to last minute KO when it does 100 damage, although it recoils 60 damage on Golem. Rage also helps out too with last minute KO'ing especially if Golem is in his last bits. The PlusPower's are mostly for Golem for the last minute KO'ing, but I would use them on any other member on the team too. All of the energy trainer cards are so I can get my energys quick on my Pokemon, and take out the ones I don't want or need at the moment(energy exchanger). Professor Oak's Visit is so I can get out all of the cards I need up and running, and I thought that was good so I got two. One Switch may be risky when using Pokemon that has high retreat costs, but it is worth it and most of the time all of my Pokemon can take care of themselves. Dusk Ball is really helpful in getting all of my Pokemon out that are at the bottom of my deck and take it instantly into my hand, so I decided I would need at least two. Roseanne's Research helps me get either 2 Basic Pokemon, 2 Energy's, or 1 of each! Should I mention I can look anywhere in my deck? This is a really helpful card and I should have more of them, but I decided the only time I would really need it is when I am pulling out Golem for last minute. The reason behind all of the Fighting Energys is because most of my Pokemon will be running on them, and all of Exploud too. Only three psychic is because it is solely for Toxicroak, The steel ones.... you know why. Anyways I would like to conclude that this is a pretty good deck and I think I can get some wins in here, if not a lot.

Just so you guys know, this is my first competitive TCG deck, so.... you get the idea. Don't be too harsh please.
Ok from what i've read in your strategy, your Exploud, Toxicroak, medicham and Roseanne's Research are illegal for modified play, and keep in mind that our current format is Majestic dawn onwards so anything that was released before majestic dawn will not be allowed for tournament play.

Hmm...Ok first things first. You always want to have a good number of your attacking pokemon, using a 1-1 or 1-1-1 line will just not cut in any tournament, you want a good chance of being able to draw into your main attacking plus what happens when your main attacker(s) is prized? it just makes your life alot harder. Another thing you should know, throwing a bunch of random pokemon together with semi-decent attacks is never a good way to build a deck. A good deck needs focus, the attackers need to have some sort of synergy together.

A good deck always runs a good amount of trainers/supporters, as they help the deck in numerous way: searching out pokemon, searching out energy, recovering, draw power, disruption .etc. a deck with only 13 trainers will not do well because all that will happen is you'll draw into your energy and pokemon that you don't want rather than a trainer/support that can allow you to search for what you want, when you want it.

Right now the only good pokemon i can see in this deck is Scizor Prime, so we'll focus on that. Here's a good way to run Scizor prime

4-4 Scizor Prime (or 3-3)
4 Skarmory UD
2 Uxie LA
1 Chatot MD
1 Unown Q

Scizor prime is a pretty straight forward pokemon. All you need to do is load it up with {M} energy and plow through your opponent. To do this we use Skarmory UD (Undaunted) Skarmory UD has an attak that allows you to search you deck for a {M} energy - either basic or Special. This allows you to load up your Scizor with Special {M} energy as not only will your Scizor deal more damage, but it will also be able to tank thanks to the special {M} energy reduce all damage it takes. The other pokemon are just techs to help the deck in terms of draw power (uxie LA) and hand refreshment (chatot MD). Now this isn't the complete pokemon line because you can put into a few more to help you against certain decks, but we'll get back to that later.

Now onto the energy line. A good amoutn of energy for any deck to run would be between 10-14. You don't want too many energy because constantly draw into energy is not always a good thing so 10-14 would is a nice number, there's just eneough for you to draw into rather frequently and not too many to bog down the deck. So something like:
4 {M} (Special)
6 {M} basic
2 Warp Energy
(you can change ot if you want to but try to keep it between 10-14. 15 if you feel it's necessary)

The Trainer line is rather tricky, because there is alot you can put in here to help you in many different ways. but the best thing for you to do is look at all the trainers/supporters/stadium cards that are legal in the modified format and see what they all do, however here's just some of the T/S/S you should be playing

3 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Communication
1 Flower Shop Girl / Plamer's Contribution

These cards are pretty much ran in pretty much every competitive deck, so it would be a good idea for you to get your hands on a good number of these cards before you think about going to any tournaments.

Hope i helped.
X_empoleon_X said:
Ok from what i've read in your strategy, your Exploud, Toxicroak, medicham and Roseanne's Research are illegal for modified play, and keep in mind that our current format is Majestic dawn onwards so anything that was released before majestic dawn will not be allowed for tournament play.

Hmm...Ok first things first. You always want to have a good number of your attacking pokemon, using a 1-1 or 1-1-1 line will just not cut in any tournament, you want a good chance of being able to draw into your main attacking plus what happens when your main attacker(s) is prized? it just makes your life alot harder. Another thing you should know, throwing a bunch of random pokemon together with semi-decent attacks is never a good way to build a deck. A good deck needs focus, the attackers need to have some sort of synergy together.

A good deck always runs a good amount of trainers/supporters, as they help the deck in numerous way: searching out pokemon, searching out energy, recovering, draw power, disruption .etc. a deck with only 13 trainers will not do well because all that will happen is you'll draw into your energy and pokemon that you don't want rather than a trainer/support that can allow you to search for what you want, when you want it.

Right now the only good pokemon i can see in this deck is Scizor Prime, so we'll focus on that. Here's a good way to run Scizor prime

4-4 Scizor Prime (or 3-3)
4 Skarmory UD
2 Uxie LA
1 Chatot MD
1 Unown Q

Scizor prime is a pretty straight forward pokemon. All you need to do is load it up with energy and plow through your opponent. To do this we use Skarmory UD (Undaunted) Skarmory UD has an attak that allows you to search you deck for a energy - either basic or Special. This allows you to load up your Scizor with Special energy as not only will your Scizor deal more damage, but it will also be able to tank thanks to the special energy reduce all damage it takes. The other pokemon are just techs to help the deck in terms of draw power (uxie LA) and hand refreshment (chatot MD). Now this isn't the complete pokemon line because you can put into a few more to help you against certain decks, but we'll get back to that later.

Now onto the energy line. A good amoutn of energy for any deck to run would be between 10-14. You don't want too many energy because constantly draw into energy is not always a good thing so 10-14 would is a nice number, there's just eneough for you to draw into rather frequently and not too many to bog down the deck. So something like:
4 (Special)
6 basic
2 Warp Energy
(you can change ot if you want to but try to keep it between 10-14. 15 if you feel it's necessary)

The Trainer line is rather tricky, because there is alot you can put in here to help you in many different ways. but the best thing for you to do is look at all the trainers/supporters/stadium cards that are legal in the modified format and see what they all do, however here's just some of the T/S/S you should be playing

3 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Communication
1 Flower Shop Girl / Plamer's Contribution

These cards are pretty much ran in pretty much every competitive deck, so it would be a good idea for you to get your hands on a good number of these cards before you think about going to any tournaments.

Hope i helped.
At least Metagross isn't illegal, and Hariyama either, which is the most important factors besides Scizor.

And thanks for the help. :)
Oh it turns out your Hariyama is also illegal because it's from great encounters. And as for Metagross is should only be used purely for it's power. It is isn't worth the time and energy just to charge Metagross when the main priority is to load Scizor prime up with {M} energy

And when Glaceon said you should organise your pokemon line by 2-2, it means (example) 2-2 Scizor = 2 Scyther - 2 Scizor
it's an easier way of writing up the deck list as well as more clearer to read.
X_empoleon_X said:
Oh it turns out your Hariyama is also illegal because it's from great encounters. [/b]And as for Metagross is should only be used purely for it's power.[/b] It is isn't worth the time and energy just to charge Metagross when the main priority is to load Scizor prime up with {M} energy
Bold 1: <_<
Bold 2: I believe I put I am using Metagross only for his power, and if I put a couple of Energy Switches in there that can help when I am loading Scizor Prime up with {M}
You are trying to start competive play but you make the big mistakes.
First of all WHY 30 ENERGIES?
Do what x empoleon x said.
Beginning with a large strategy doesn't give you a competive start.
You need to play the good amount of staple's. If it is hard to get them because they are expensive try to buy them or buy a booster box and trade.
^ Taking some out and putting some trainers in

and if you read my ultra long strategy you would know why 30 energies
Well,YOu still don't need them.
And if you still want to run like this play at least 3 Bebe's search, 2 BTS, 2 Pokemon commuication for consistensy

I edited my deck, you can view the edited deck here.

you could of just posted the "major" deck chnage on pokebeach or just editted your current on this thread. it would make it easier to read and change.

I can barely see any difference in your other deck apart from the change in a few pokemon. you still play alot of random pokemon, you still play too many energy and you can't play 5 energy search (only upto 4 of the same card).

The man ploblem here is that you're playing so few of your main attacking pokemon and no sure way to seach them out (Dusk Balll isn't realiable). You play 6 basic pokemon and over 20 energy. You're going to be starting with no basic pokemon so many times that you're opponent will benefit from it (every time you don't start with a basic pokemon your opponent can draw 1 extra card, and you must reshuffle and redraw untill you start with a basic pokemon)

Increase your main attacking lines, and by that i don't mean adding more random typed pokemon. i mean increase the lines you already have. why not just do a pure steel deck and focus only on Scizor prime and metagross as the attackers. It would be 10 times better than your current build on the other forum.
The pokemon in this deck really dont have any synergy with eachother at all. The lines are really inconsistent, in a deck you want 3-3 or prefferably 4-4 lines of scizor prime.
He means your deck really doesn't do anything that will give it an advantage. It's no use having 6 Pokémon in play with good attacks; the 5 benched aren't doing anything. Your deck needs a strategy besides doing 50 per turn. Get some drawpower, some trainers, less energy, more consistent lines (instead of 1 Scyther and 1 Scizor, also written as '1-1 Scizor', run at least 3 or 4 of each, also written as '3-3 Scizor' or '4-4 Scizor'). 24 energies, unless it's a deck built around having loads of energy (such as Magnegatr), won't help if you can't get that Scizor out because Scyther or Scizor is prized or all you're drawing is, well, not those two cards specifically. You need some searching cards, such as Bebe's Search, Pokémon Communication, Pokémon Collector, Luxury Ball, etc.
The largest problem with decks people new to competitive TCG make is just that there's no strategy besides "this card does a lot of damage on this one attack; I think I'll throw it in there." Have something that'll get it a win against other decks! Every deck has a strategy for dealing out more damage and being able to take more than other decks.
Sorry if that sounded harsh, but lack of a strategy is all that holds new TCG players from making a competitive deck, and it's easier to learn it sooner rather than later.
If you do want to make a Scizor Prime deck, X_empoleon_X has a really good backbone in his first post!