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Scizor/Electrode/Electivire FB [RR-on]


Aspiring Trainer
Hello PokeBeach Community! Would love to hear suggestion(s) and criticism on my recent deck.

This deck is strictly based on RR-on sets. Would still want to play against the current format.

Pokemons: 22
3 Spiritomb (3)
3 - 3 Scizor (Prime) (6)
2 - 2 Electvire FB LV X (4)
2 - 2 Electrode Prime (4)
1 - 1 Lanturn Prime (2)
1-1-1 Magnezone Prime (3)

T/S/S: 22
Trainer: 8
2 Research record
2 Switch (can't use warp points D: )
2 Expert Belt
2 Junk Arm

Supporter: 14
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Palmer's Contribution
2 Seeker
2 Twins

Energies: 15
4 Special Metal Energy
4 Basic Metal Energy
4 Special Rainbow Energy
3 Basic Electric Energy

This deck showcases Scizor Prime not by its Poke-Body, but by focusing on its attack Metal Scissors. I want to focus on Scizor Prime by swarming my bench with it.

This deck relies on Spiritomb AR for its early game set-up. It is much faster than Smeargle UD/CoL and Skarmory UD/CoL.

Electrode Prime is the energy engine of this deck. By using its Poke-Power: Energymite, it greatly accelerates the energy accumulated into play. Partnered with Research Record(s), we are looking at 3-4 energies being attached in a turn! I am aware that Interviewer's Question nets me for energy cards without discarding everything else. Electrode Prime is SO much better simply because it allows me to attach these energy cards right away, contrary to the supporter version which only puts the energies into my hand. The difference is subtle, but it makes a world of difference.

Electivire FB Lv X has great synergy with both Electrode and Scizor. Electrode Prime powers up Electivire FB Lv X as well, so it is a viable back up damage dealer. Electivire FB Lv X may also be used for energy recovery, pumping up my Active/Benched Scizor if needed. The move "Dump and Draw" may be a sub-par draw power worth mentioning.

Dodrio UD is my Global retreat cost reducer for my RR-on decklist.

A very high count of Bebe's Search and Pokemon Collector is present to ensure that Electrode and Scizor come to play as soon as possible.

This deck is extremely susceptible against Power Spray. :(

Stuffs I would like to implement on this deck:
- Increase Research Record line

Stuffs I like about this deck:
- Scizor and Electivire are both my favorite pokemons! :D
- Great Synergy in the deck
- AMAZING artwork on the cards! (lol)

Stuff that makes me go ugh.... :
- Scizor mirror match up
- Umbreon UD
- {R} Decks
- Power Spray
No one at all? :(

Recent changes:

+ 1-1 Lanturn Prime Tech (Counter against {R})
+ 1 Lucario GL Tech (Counter against Umbreon UD)
+ 1-1 Shaymin Lv X (Replaced Lucian's Assignment)
About Energymite.... errrr, it's not the same effect, but you could use Interviewer's Questions. You don't attach the energies, but you get them, and you don't give your opponent a price. Or you can just use Electrode Prime ONLY when you really need it. Also, it's not so bad using Energymite, you can combine it with:
A. Twins.
B. Black Belt (+40 Damage to the deffending pokemon)

I also suggest you drop the Shaymin Lv. X line. It's not very useful. If you're using it for moving energies, You have better options like Lucian's Assingment or Shaymin UD. Also, if you're making a RR-on deck, I think that you know that Shaymin Lv. X is from PL ;)

It's hard to make suggestions with this deck... I'm still looking the scans of some cards and how it can be better xD I'll edit this post if I find something useful.
@Ahiro - lol you're right. Shaymin lv X is in PL :( I had Lucian's Assignment in my original deck list. I removed it cause I thought it would be a better choice (Shaymin) because it doesn't take up my Supporter for a turn (if that makes sense). I want to be able to switch energies without using up my supporter. I guess I have no choice now.

Yeah, I thought about IQ as well. I actually wrote about it in the first post of why I prefer Energymite rather than IQ.

Should I bother with Black belt? I already have Expert belt(s) in the list.
If Umbreon uses Moonlight Fang then Lucario GL can't do anything. Why not use Magnezone Prime for Drawpower? Its a stage 2 but it works
^ Agreed. Shaymin just doesnt seem to fit here. Magnezone Prime being a stage 2, has awesome draw power. If your looking for supporters for draw in RR on, you can use Proffessor Oaks Visit (Re-printed in Arceus).
OH WAIT A SECOND O_O Doesn't Klingklank from Black and White collection move metal energies???

*searchs in pokebeach*

Yes indeed. If you're planning a deck, and also knowing that the rotation will be when Black and White comes out, I really suggest you to use a line of Klingklank (Gigigear) for moving metal energies. Yeah. Only Metal energies. It's a recommendation, though.
@Dark Sonic Jr - Ugh.. thanks for pointing that out. I knew what Umbreon does, I just totally ignored Lucario GL's move list. :( Kinda broke my heart actually.

@Ahiro - Do you mind providing a link? I was trying to look for it but to no avail.

@Genga_is_Pwnage - Oh wow, great idea there! I just hope I won't have to use it to attack though. :( I'll definitely throw it in, probably only a 1-1-1 line though.

Thoughts on:

Lucian's Assignment
Junk Arm

Based on the current deck list and is there a better Umbreon UD counter?
@toffeefi (I dunno if I tiped it well xD) here it goes the scan!


And here it is the translation:
Klingklank – Metal – HP140
Stage 2 – Evolves from Klank

Ability: Gear Change
Choose 1 Metal Energy attached to one of your Pokemon, and move it onto one of your other Pokemon. This ability can be used any number of times during your turn.

{M}{C}{C} Gear Saucer: Flip 2 coins, this attack does 80 damage times the number of heads.

Weakness: {R} (x2)
Resistance: {P} (-20)
Retreat: {C}{C}{C}