Yay for Scizor
Pokémon: (16)
3-3 Scizor BC
2 Cobalion NV
3-3 Garbodor DRX
2 Emolga DRX
I/S/S: (33)
4 N
2 Juniper
2 Cheren
3 Skyla
1 Computer Search
3 Catcher
4 Switch
4 Rescue Scarf
3 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
1 Tool Scrapper
4 Plus Power
Energy: (11)
7 Metal Energy{M}
4 Double Colorless Energy{C}{C}
The strategy with this rogue deck is to eliminate the main engines of today's metagame decks (i.e. Darkrai/Hydreigon, Blastoise/Keldeo, RayEels) with Garbodor's ability, and pound away on their EXs with Scizor's first attack, until they are weak enough to be finished with Scizor's second attack. This usually takes 2 turns, as that puts 80 damage on them, and your Scizor is unharmed do to it's first attack's effect. Cobalion is in here for added stalling powers, non-EXs, and is a Mewtwo punisher.
All Advice and Criticism is welcome.
Thanks for your time.
Pokémon: (16)
3-3 Scizor BC
2 Cobalion NV
3-3 Garbodor DRX
2 Emolga DRX
I/S/S: (33)
4 N
2 Juniper
2 Cheren
3 Skyla
1 Computer Search
3 Catcher
4 Switch
4 Rescue Scarf
3 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
1 Tool Scrapper
4 Plus Power
Energy: (11)
7 Metal Energy{M}
4 Double Colorless Energy{C}{C}
The strategy with this rogue deck is to eliminate the main engines of today's metagame decks (i.e. Darkrai/Hydreigon, Blastoise/Keldeo, RayEels) with Garbodor's ability, and pound away on their EXs with Scizor's first attack, until they are weak enough to be finished with Scizor's second attack. This usually takes 2 turns, as that puts 80 damage on them, and your Scizor is unharmed do to it's first attack's effect. Cobalion is in here for added stalling powers, non-EXs, and is a Mewtwo punisher.
All Advice and Criticism is welcome.
Thanks for your time.