Ruling Scizor Prime & Garchomp C


Aspiring Trainer
If I have a Scizor Prime and my opponent's Garchomp C X with an E-Gain and DCE tries to snipe it, does Scizor take damage because the energy is discarded or is it safe?
Good question. I cannot find an official ruling on this, or a related ruling that would offer some clue as to what the ruling would be, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt. Of course, I'd love to hear from the other professors on this.

My thinking is that the discarding does not occur until after damage calculation and that the damage would therefore be prevented because of Scizor's BODY.
At the time you're doing damage, Garchomp C doesn't have any Special Energy attached. Therefore, it can get around Scizor Prime's Poke-Body. You discard a DCE, then you choose. Therefore you can hit the Scizor.

I base this partly on the following ruling:
Q. Say I attack with Dusknoir's "Night Spin", then on the opponent's next turn they use Blissey's "Happy Chance" attack. If Blissey started its attack with only two energy on it, would "Night Spin" protect Dusknoir if "Happy Chance" attaches a third energy from the discard pile onto Blissey?
A. No, the attachment of energy is done before damage, so at the point when damage is done Blissey has three energies on it and therefore gets past Night Spin. (Dec 4, 2008 PUI Rules Team)