Scizor Prime with Gengar?


Aspiring Trainer
I was thinking about Scizor Prime and what I could play with him. However, I continue to just hear about Dialga G Lv.X but I started thinking of a counter. What about Gengar Lv.X? Then I started thinking about the gengar to put under it and the only I can think of is the feinting spell one. What is everybody's opinion on this? I was wondering if I could run this together because Gengar doesn't need many energies meaning that it won't take up too much room to tech in. So any ideas guys? I am still new to the game and I don't like playing meta so I try to play rogue so please instruct me guys.

Edit: Is it really this difficult to read the stickied thread that says, "READ BEFORE POSTING."? I added the links. ~EspeonROX.

Scizor Prime from HS-Undaunted.
Gengar from Stormfront.
That doesn't sound like it would work at all. It has two problems: Consistancy and Speed. Running two types of energy is almost always a problem. You won't always draw the type of energy you want. The other problem is speed. I'm assuming if you made the deck, you would run 3-3 Scizor and 2-1-2-1 Gengar LV.X. You also need some energy from each type. That takes up a ton of space, and to do what? Counter one card. The deck doesn't seem like it would work at all and I don't reccomed making it.