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Scizor prime


See you space cowboy...
23 Pokemon
3-3 Scizor Prime
2-2 Blissey PL/ Prime
3 Skarmory
1-1 Glallie
1-1 Umbreon UD
1 Smeargle
1 Unown Q
1 Shaymin UL
2 Uxie
1 Azelf

TSS 24
3 Collector
3 Bebe
2 Lucians
2 Judge
2 Pont
2 Conductive quarry
3 Seeker
4 Warp Point
2 Expert Belt
1 Palmer

Energy 13
7 Metal
4 SP metal
1 SP Dark
1 Dark

Attack with scizor prime help setup with skarmory./smeargle retreat with unown q. Bring up powered up scizor attack, heal with blissey pl or prime. Use either lucians or shaymin to move energy around. Blaziken to stop dialga, umbreon to wall.

any suggestion to make better
I would cut the Blaziken, Umbreon walls Dialga itself and Scizor usually has enough on it to KO it. Blissey idea is great, I would keep those, and 4 Warp Point is a bit much. I would do 2 Switch and 2 Warp Point. Your biggest threat is Blaziken itself, so consider Glalie AR with DCE or even Empoleon FB, Glalie is probably the better choice. But I like that you are playing Scizor, I play it with Umbreon too, but wthut the Blissey. Your T/S/S looks great, and the energy is good, except for the {R}, which you will not need. Don't get me wrong, Blaziken is great, and you do not have to agree with me, but Blaziken itself is the biggest threat. Dialga can be worked around.

EDIT: Should give a summary:

-1-1 Blaziken FB X
-2 Fire Energy
-2 Warp Point

+1-1 Umbreon UD
+2 Switch
+1 Expert Belt
+1 Sp. dark or reg. dark


+2-2 Glalie
+2 DCE
i totally forgot about blaziken/ charizard!!

lol thanks i think glallie would be perfect


-2 Blaziken -2 Fire +2 Glallie line +2 DCE


....oh i see ur ninja post lol thanks
Hey the scizor (metal scissors) just for that scizor or say you got 4 scizors in play will it be all if them or just that one?