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scizor umbreon


Aspiring Trainer
pokemon 21

4-4 scizor prime (scyter free retreat)
4-2-2 (espeon prime and umbreon prime)
1-1 (dodrio for free retreat)
2 uxie (draw power)
1 azelf (prize cards)

trainers 23

3 pont
2 collectors
4 bebes
2 seekers
1 lucians
1 black belt
1 flower shop
2 ex belt
2 bts
1 luxury ball
2 warp points
2 communication

energy 16

metal 8
dark 4
dc 4

geting started with scyter and in your secend turn i can do 70 dmg without ex belt scizor is for high dmg.
espeon and umbreon is for getting better agains machamp and gengar

im thinking of puting some rainbow energy in my deck but im not sure of it

any helps with my deck is wood be good
-4 Metal energy
+4 Special Metal Energy
-3 Dark
+3 Special Dark
-1 Bebe
+1 Communication
Black belt is all preference...I would take it out for another Pokemon Collector.
Espeon and Umbreon Prime don't really fit. Umbreon UD is always a good stall. If you wanted an espeon you could always add the MD one for the extra life but i would go 1 espeon and 2 umbreon.
tyranitar prime would rip through this deck.
maybe add in a shaymin tech to move all your energy off your dieing scizor to bulk up ur backup?
^Agreed. I use Shaymin UL in my deck and it works wonders when I can't draw into a Lucian's Assignment. May I suggest a Pokemon line like this?

3-3 Scizor Prime(or 4-4)
3-2/1 Umbreon UD/Espeon Prime
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
3 Sableye SF(or any starter)
1 Shaymin UL

I like 3-3 Scizor better because it is just as consistent, and leaves open room for other techs(by the way, are you using Scyther PL or Scyther SF?). Espeon Prime is for Machamp SF matchups, but feel free to do a 3-2/1 Umbreon UD/Espeon MD to give Umbreon better HP, or Umbreon MD to get rid of the weakness. Uxie and Azelf are staples(well, Azelf is that card you just want to have to lower paranoia during the beginning of a game). As I said, Shaymin UL is when you don't want to waste a Lucian's(which I also suggest you add another). You can really use any good starter for this deck, but I think Sableye SF fits best. Here are some options:

Spiritomb AR

Jirachi RR

Smeargle UD

Sableye SF

I encourage you to experiment with this, and figure out which is best for you.

As for your T/S/S line, you seem to have too little of things you need and too much of things you don't need. So I'm going to "erase" the entire line(23 cards) and suggest some other things. Actually, before I do that, your energy line could look like this:

4 Special Metal Energy
6 Basic Metal Energy
2 Special Darkness Energy
1 Rescue Energy

Or something like that. Scizor doesn't need DCE because it does damage for each metal, and rescue can help out quickly.

Now for the T/S/S:

3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
2 Lucian's Assignment
2 Conductive Quarry
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
1 Palmer's Contribution
1 Pokemon Communication
1 Luxury Ball
3 Expert Belt
2 Warp Point
2 Seeker
1 Junk Arm

Most of this is consistency stuff, but Junk Arm could help you in Lostgar matchups, and Conductive Quarry(SF) will help for quick recovery. I think Palmer's Contribution is better than Flower Shop Lady because it has more versatility on what you want to shuffle back into the deck(considering you may want to keep the energy in the discard for Conductive Quarry). Scizor's supposed to be a but bulky, but it can be fast.

I know this was a lot to take in, but please consider all the advice I have given. I like seeing other Scizor players, and I think this will help you out a lot. :)
i use the scyther from platinum the old one from jungle
i fixit some things and it worked good i use sableye even i looked for a skarmory to add energy to my scizor as starter thx for the tips