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ScizorSpeed - Masters, Nationals


Aspiring Trainer
20 Pokemons:
4-3 Scizor prime
4 Skarmory UD
2 Uxie
2-2 Dodrio UD
1 Crobat G
1-1 Tentacruel LA

24 TSS:
4 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Collectors
1 Pokemon Communication
1 Luxury Ball
2 Twins
1 Flower Shop Lady
2 Lucian's Assignment
2 Looker's Invistigation
2 Expert Belt
3 Pokemon Reversal
1 Switch
1 Junk Arm
1 Seeker
1 Black Belt

16 Energies:
12{M} basic
4{M} special

With Skarmory as active in my first round I'll be able to boost Scizor fast enough to have 4 energies allready on my third turn, meaning 110 dmg (+20 with Expert Belt).
With Dorio I'll be able to retreat it for free in case it gets some nasty special conditions.
Tentacruel can add special energy to their main attacker preventing them from dmging my Scizor.
If my Scizor is about to get KOed I'll play a new Scizor and use Lucian's to move my energy over to the new one.
In my opinion you should play:
4-4 Scizor (so you have more chance to have it from T1/T2 if you start with Sciter and not with Skarmory)
4 Skarmory
2 Uxie
1-1 Dodrio UD (personally I don't like it very much, but it's still a usefull card in many situations, so I think you should put 1-1)
1-1 Tentacruel
1 Azelf (to get the Tentacruel and the Dodrio line from your prices)
0 Crobat (you don't really need it in my opinion, because if you need to add damage you can either assign more energy or use expert belt; crobat is also not so good because you dont' have the energies to use it's attack and because you dont' have poketurns to heel it and to use it again)

4 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Interviewer's Question (a very good card in a deck with a lot of energies)
2 Lucian's Assignment
2 Looker's Investigation
1 Flower Shop Lady
1 Judge (always a good card)
3 Expert Belt (in tanking deck's it's a very imortant card)
3 SSU (really usefull in this deck)
3 Pokèmon Reversal
1 Switch
1 Luxury Ball
1 Seaker

9 Basic
4 Special

Hope it helped! :-D
I see your points, but if I have Scyther in play I'll allways have some Supporter to find one of the three Scizors.
I don't see why you don't like Dodrio :p It helps a ton against deck where you have to retreat often because of something your opponent uses on your active, and 2{C} is a lot to pay since it means -40 dmg.
With a 2-2 Dodrio line I don't think I'll need Azelf, and it's not very often that I need Tentacruel. I think it'll just trouble me as it gives the opponent some more options to snipe on the bench.
I see why Crobat doesn't really fit into this deck, but I added one because it could work as a suprise, adding 50+ dmg with an Energy and an Expert Belt.

Fine suggestions on the supporters, but would you really leave Twins out?
I perfectly understand why you like Twins so much: when Skarmory is KO, you search your deck for any two cards, so you can ultimate the set-up of Scizor and you can begin attacking.
But if you play against decks that use starters such as Sableye and Spiritomb (and in this period there are several ones, expecially Sablelock and Vilegar), I think you should attack first, reatreating Skarmory and playing Scizor.
For this reason in my opinion you should play cards that allow you to set up your Scizors in any situation, not only when your opponent has less prices: also for this reason I decided to add one more Scizor and 2 Interviewer's Question, taking out the Twins.
Then, if your personal strategy is all based on waiting your opponent, Twins is very usefull (so you could do - 1 Seeker and - 1 Reversal from my list for 2 Twins), but if you play Scizor in a faster way, as I said before, it isn't so needed.

About Tentacruel, I think this could really be a decisive card in some situations, for example when you play against SP deck (and Garchomps decks in general): they discard DCE to attack, so you simply attack the discarded DCEs to the Pokèmon that scare you the most, and you'll have a very important advantage on your opponent.

About Dodrio, I do realize why this card is so important for this deck (you absolutely cant' retreat Scizor discarding 2 energies), but If I decide to build a Scizor deck for myself, I would put 0 Dodrio and I would play more Switch/Warp Point instead, that give me more advantages in my opinon (you don't need to set a Pokèmon line, you can switch also when you are asleep or paralysed, you can use them also when your Bodies are locked, etc...). But this of course isn't a Scizor deck for myself, it's for you, so if you like Dodrio I think that you should keep it, but 1-1 should be enough.

About Crobat, I think you shouldn't waste a precious space in your deck to play a card that adds only 10 damage and only once, also because it's a basic Pokèmon that can be a not so good starter: there are more risks than advantages.

About Azelf, it is always usefull in my opinion, not only because it helps you to get the 1-1 lines, but also because if you play 4 Scizor, sometimes one of them is among the prices: when you search your deck for the first time in a match, you realize that you have a Scizor prized, and in this way thanks to Azelf you can get a Scizor with a Collector. Usefull, isn't it?

Hope I helped! :D
I apreciate your help ^_^
The reason why I wanted to play Twins is not for the purpose of setting up, but because it can help you back on track if something unexpected fails during the game.

The reason why I prefer Dodrio is becuase the Switch and Warp Point could fail if my opponent Trainerlocked with Vilegar.
And Warp Energy would prevent me from adding an extra 20 dmg that turn.

I guess you'r right about Crobat :)
And I guess the reason why I won't realize how great Azelf is, is probably because it's quite expensive :p
I'll try it all out once RedShark gets updated.