Secret Technique to Booster Choosing

not as important for pokemon as there is alot less money to be made in the game than other like yu gi ohs $300 doller cards lol, you could weigh the packs, Lvx cards weigh a tiny amount more than regualr holos, it is very easy to tell if your getting a reverse holo and a regular holo/x with scales.

make sure theyre electronic scales, and go to 2, preferably 3 decimal points.
haha i was thinking of that...but then i was/am to embarressed to way every single booster pack in the store while the clerk watches me... :|
You would have to be pretty desparate to start doing that and a shop guy probably isnt going to want to stand around while you weigh all the boosters and it takes out all the fun of the chase.
Okay, so I just got back into the TCG (The most recent set I collected was Neo Genesis) and I've been lurking here a bit. I'm wondering how the heck you guys can afford to buy full packs of boosters?
My budget really doesn't allow for me to spend money on a full box of Pokémon cards. That's money better spent on food!

I buy my cards from hobby shops mostly. Big-box stores won't give you little hints like a shop owner will, simply because shop owners usually pay attention to what people pull. Often, they can tell you whether or not a Lv. X has been pulled from the card box they're currently selling from. This at least gives you an idea of the odds-- There are often only one or two Lv. X Pokémon per box. If it hasn't been pulled yet and there are three packs left, you can bet I'm buying those three! :D

The weighing technique sounds kind of sketchy to me, but again-- Do this in a shop, not a big-box store. The person behind the counter is more likely to understand and maybe allow it. ;)
Huh, okay, thanks a lot. Just wondering because even though I have a job, it'd be really difficult for me to pay $100+ every few months with prom and then college coming so soon. Either way, the majority of my battles as of now will be with my friend anyway, so no real pressure on getting tourney-winning decks going yet.
If you're low on budget, there's no reason to worry about LVX's anyway. There are low-budget decks too y'know.
In reply to the "Weighing the Boosters," right now there is someone look at this thread and blushing, thinking "Wish I could still go to that store."
TCC Co-Founder said:
In reply to the "Weighing the Boosters," right now there is someone look at this thread and blushing, thinking "Wish I could still go to that store."

Did you get banned from a store for weighing them??? ;P
As far as picking the right packs when you're choosing out of a box, I always go near the middle. Since I usually buy 3 or 4 packs at a time, I'll usually buy the 4 center ones (Or 4 near the back). That works very well for me, it seems, as in 4 weeks I pulled 3 Honchy LvX and a Garde--one for each week I went to my League. xD
I guess the approach with the scales will work with those cardboard-packaged packs too. Those are the only ones I really get though, since I'm too poor to buy a box of packs and hobby shops' packs are always way overpriced.

I'm not going to do anything like that though. Then again, maybe someone else already does this, since I haven't gotten a Lv. X from a pack in over a year, even though I know I've opened at least 27 packs since then.
Ophie said:
I guess the approach with the scales will work with those cardboard-packaged packs too. Those are the only ones I really get though, since I'm too poor to buy a box of packs and hobby shops' packs are always way overpriced.

I'm not going to do anything like that though. Then again, maybe someone else already does this, since I haven't gotten a Lv. X from a pack in over a year, even though I know I've opened at least 27 packs since then.

i know a guy that opened a box and didnt get a Lv. X......

We got some places that sell them for $7 - $8...