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Standard Seismitoad EX / Aegislash EX / Dialga EX (Without Bronzong)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon : 12
  • 4 Seismitoad EX
  • 3 Aegislash EX
  • 2 Dialga EX
  • 2 Registeel
  • 1 Shaymin EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 38
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 4 Shauna
  • 2 Acrobike
  • 4 Crushing Hammer
  • 2 Enhanced Hammer
  • 4 Team Flare Grunt
  • 2 Xerosic
  • 2 Head Ringer
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Muscle Band
  • 2 Steel Shelter
Energy : 10
  • 4 Double Energy
  • 6 Metal Energy

Yes, a metal deck without Bronzor / Bronzong/Battle Compressor.
Bronzong is fine , but I prefer others ideas.
I think that it's a strong rogue deck !


Aegislash EX VS Deck with special energy
e.g : Giratina EX , Night March , Vespiqueen,Mega Groundon Ex.

Aegislash is a nightmare.
Can you imagine Giratina + Vileplume against this deck ? No way !

Dialga EX ( First atack) / Registeel VS Deck with EX
e.g : Manectric EX , Sceptile EX .

*Dialga's first attack + Muscle band
80 damage, Opponent's pokemon Ex can't atack.
( Dialga's first attack is perfect to a rogue deck. )

*Registeel + team flare grunt or hammer.
70 damage , 2 energy discarded.
Registeel it's so useful !

Seimistoad VS Others decks

Seimistoad needs no comments.:cool:


Low damage.But I don't care.

Pyroar deck is really annoying , but it uses a special energy.
So, Pyroar prevents damage.But Aegislash prevents too ! :p:p:p
Seimistoad helps against fire type pokemon.
Lysandre helps too.
Yeah,it's not easy to defeat.But it's not impossible.

Do you think it's a competitive deck ?

I didn't see anything about specifically why you chose not to play Bronzong. Dialga and Aegislash are a pain to set up without Bronzong, and a Seismitoad deck that doesn't rely on Double Colorless would be much better.