Completely lock out practically everything with the toad, garb and various items. LaserBank for additional damage as the toad only does little.
Help needed and appreciated.
4-4 Garbordor
4 Seismitoad EX
1 Mewtwo EX
3 N
4 Professor Juniper
2 Skyla
2 Lysandre
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
3 Virbank City Gym
3 Hypnotoxic Laser
3 Trick Shovel
2 Roller Skates
2 Bicycle
2 Float Stone
3 Muscle Band
2 Startling Megaphone
1 Dowsing Machine
3 Crushing Hammer
3 Enhanced Hammer
2 Ultra Ball
2 Head Ringer
Completely lock out practically everything with the toad, garb and various items. LaserBank for additional damage as the toad only does little.
Help needed and appreciated.