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Standard Seismitoad EX / Gyarados


Aspiring Trainer
Hi Pokebeach! This is my first post <3

Pokemon: 10

  • 4-4 Gyarados
  • 2 Seismitoad EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 38
  • 2 Acro Bike
  • 4 Dive Ball
  • 1 Enhanced Hammer
  • 2 Switch
  • 4 Trainer's Mail
  • 2 VS Seeker
  • 1 Ace Trainer
  • 1 Archie's Ace in the Hole
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 2 Birch
  • 4 Sycamore
  • 1 Xerosic
  • 4 Team Magma's Hidden Base
  • 4 Muscle Band
  • 3 Sparkling Robe
  • 1 Weakness Policy
Energy: 12
  • 4 DCE
  • 8 Water Energy

The idea is to have Team Magma's Secret Base in play to put damage counters on benched Magikarps. Ideally you'd like to Archie's Gyarados onto the bench, pump him with tools and a DCE, use switch, and deal upwards of 250 damage granted three Magikarps are on the bench with 2 damage counters on each of them, and Gyarados has 2 Muscle Bands attached to it. In case things don't go ideally you would Seismatoad to stall for as long as you can, using Xerosic, Enhanced Hammer, and Lysander to throw your opponents off balance.
A few thoughts/comments for your consideration:
  • Given the fact that you have 2x as many Magikarps as Seismitoad EXs, your chances of starting with a 'Karp vs. a 'Toad is 2x. Do you really want to start iwth a 'Karp? If so, you may want to incrporate a 2+ Ace Trainer, Revive and/or Teammates since there is definitely a high chance that any starting 'Karp will be KOd.
  • IMO, 'Toads should be maximized in order to maximize your chances of starting with one.
  • Why no Battle Compressor(s) to help dump the Gyarados into the discard pile?
  • Incorporation of both Level and Ultra (also helps with the discarding of Gyarados' too) Balls will help you setup your bench fast.
  • Why no Sky Field Stadiums? After you get the 'Karps benched, you can then get more Gyarados' benched afterwards.
Given the above comments, I'd suggest the following deck changes for your consideration:

-1 Enhanced Hammer - will not make a significant difference given other priorities, IMO
-1 Trainer's Mail - 3 should be sufficient, IMO
-1 Xerosic - will not make a significant difference given other priorities, IMO
-3 Sparking Robe - will not make a significant difference given the relative "low" HP of your Gyarados', IMO
-1 Weakness Policy - will not make a significant difference given the relative "low" HP of your Gyarados', IMO; I suspect they will just be 1HKOd
-1 TM Secret Base - 3 should be sufficient, IMO

+2 Seismitoad EX
+2 Level Ball - to help get your more 'Karps into play faster
+2 Battle Compressor - to help discard Gyarados' faster
+1 VS Seeker - to increase your chances of recovering and using discarded Supporter (e.g., Archie's Ace in the Hole)
+2 Sky Field

Lastly, you may want to also consider incorporating a Sacred Ash for Pokemon recovery and recycling. If so, I'd suggest replacing 1 Water energy with this Trainer.

I hope you find these comments helpful.