The strategy behind this deck is to use Seismitoad EX to stop opponent from using item cards while using dual brains to discard energy and annoy further. Pyroar is to stop Basic Pokemon and can be used to counter Vir / Gen which is probably the toads worst match up. The Mewtwo EX and Charizard EX are big attackers that can do good amounts of damage. I think this deck could be very annoying. What do you all think and what changes would you make.
4 Seismitoad EX
2-2 Pyroar (Flashfire)
2-2-2 Magnezone (Dual Brains)
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Charizard EX (Combustion Blast)
3 Profesor Juniper
3 N
1 Lysandre
1 Ghetsis
2 Team Flare Grunt
2 Xerosic
1 Lysandres Trump Card
3 Blacksmith
2 Crushing Hammer
3 Enhanced Hammer
3 Ultra Ball
1 Computer Search
2 VS Seeker
3 Rare Candy
1 Escape Rope
4 Double Colorless Energy
8 Fire Energy
The strategy behind this deck is to use Seismitoad EX to stop opponent from using item cards while using dual brains to discard energy and annoy further. Pyroar is to stop Basic Pokemon and can be used to counter Vir / Gen which is probably the toads worst match up. The Mewtwo EX and Charizard EX are big attackers that can do good amounts of damage. I think this deck could be very annoying. What do you all think and what changes would you make.