Hi guys. I'm new here.
I've been playing TCG for a while since this year, and I'm trying to look for advice about my deck. I'm pretty sure you guys have seen it, one way or another, in other variants. Here's the list.
Pokemon: 13
The main strategy behind this deck is to use Seismitoad EX to disable item usage from your opponent and Garbodor's Garbotoxin ability to shut down all abilities, slowing his/her game and letting you build a strong bench. The bench is situational. Most of the times (in my meta), I'll be dealing with VirGen and Landorus EX/Lucario EX based decks, so Mewtwo EX can counter anything weak to [P] (like Lucario EX and another Mewtwo EX, which may occur in a mirror match), and Reshiram can counter anything weak to [F] (like Virizion EX and Genesect EX). Water Energy lets you attack with Seismitoad EX's Grenade Hammer, dealing 130 base damage and OHKO'ing any annoying Landorus EX in play, and in addition, damaging Reshiram to power up its Outrage attack.
I've been playing TCG for a while since this year, and I'm trying to look for advice about my deck. I'm pretty sure you guys have seen it, one way or another, in other variants. Here's the list.
Pokemon: 13
4 Seismitoad EX FUF (item disabler)
3 Mewtwo EX LTR (beatdown)
2 Reshiram LTR (situational, mostly against VirGen)
2 Trubbish LTR (evolve)
2 Garbodor LTR (abilities disabler)
4 Professor Juniper (draw)
4 N (draw)
3 Skyla (search)
2 Colress (draw)
2 Lysandre (gust/control)
1 Computer Search (search)
3 Ultra Ball (search)
4 Hypnotoxic Laser (beatdown)
4 Muscle Band (beatdown)
1 Startling Megaphone (disable)
1 Professor's Letter (search)
1 Switch
2 Float Stone (switch / mainly for Garbodor)
1 Sacred Ash (recycle)
2 Virbank City Gym
8 Water Energy
The main strategy behind this deck is to use Seismitoad EX to disable item usage from your opponent and Garbodor's Garbotoxin ability to shut down all abilities, slowing his/her game and letting you build a strong bench. The bench is situational. Most of the times (in my meta), I'll be dealing with VirGen and Landorus EX/Lucario EX based decks, so Mewtwo EX can counter anything weak to [P] (like Lucario EX and another Mewtwo EX, which may occur in a mirror match), and Reshiram can counter anything weak to [F] (like Virizion EX and Genesect EX). Water Energy lets you attack with Seismitoad EX's Grenade Hammer, dealing 130 base damage and OHKO'ing any annoying Landorus EX in play, and in addition, damaging Reshiram to power up its Outrage attack.