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Seismitoad EX / Swampert / Slurpuff


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Seismitoad EX
    2-1-2 Swampert (Ancient trait) PC
    3-3 Slurpuff (Phantom gate)


  • 3 Professor Juniper
    3 N
    3 Professor Birch's Observations
    1 Lysandre
    1 Lysandre's Last Resort
    2 VS Seeker
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    4 Dive Ball
    2 Repeat Ball
    3 Muscle Band
    1 Rare Candy
    1 Computer Search
    2 Profesor's Letters
    2 Enhanced Hammer

    3 Virbank City Gym

  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
    8 Water Energy


The startegy is to use quaking punch while taking advantage of Swampert and Slurpuffs abilities. Swampert lets you search your deck for any card and put it on top of your deck, while slurpuff lets you draw a card off the top of your deck ultimatly giving full control of your deck. Swampert can also be used as a heavy hitter because quaking punch falls short on damage output. The deck seems really tight. I wanted to fit in more disrupion cards but couldnt find the room without making the deck less consistant. Scans of primal clash cards are below.
