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Expanded Seismitoad Giratina Nemesis (Xerneas / M Gardevoir EX / Aromatisse)


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys

I would like to find a reliable counter against seismitoad/giratina ex

  • 3 Eevee PHF
  • 2 Leafeon PLF
  • 2 Gardevoir EX
  • 2 M Gardevoir EX
  • 3 Xerneas XY
  • 2 Spritzee FLF
  • 2 Aromatisse XY
  • 1 Rock Guard
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 4 N
  • 3 Silent Lab
  • 1 Fairy Garden
  • 3 Silver Bangle
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 1 Pokémon Fan Club
  • 2 VS Seeker
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Gardevoir Spirit Link
  • 3 Trainers' Mail
  • 1 Super Ammo
  • 4 DCE
  • 9 Fairy Energy

Very simple leafeon with silver bangle for seismitoad and gardevoir (mega with silent) for giratina

Please share your thoughts
  • 2-3 Level Balls should be incorporated in order to help get your Eevees and Spritzees out faster;
  • Either Dowsing Machine or Computer Search would be more helpful than Rock Guard (which could be Scrapper'd away);
  • The 8 card-draw Supporters are woefully insufficient since you have no auxillar draw upport via Shaymin EX; and
  • The Aromatisse lines are not critical to the deck unless you utilize Max Potions.
Given the above comments, I'd suggest the following deck changes for your consideration:

-1 Rock Guard
-1 Silver Bangle - 2 should be sufficient given other priorities
-1 Ultra Ball - 3 should be sufficient given other priorities
-2 Trainer's Mail - 1 should be sufficient given other priorities and improved card drawing capability

+1 Computer Search or Dowsing Machine
+2 Level Ball
+2 Colress or Shauna or Tierno

Should you decide to use Dowsing Machine, consider:

-1 Silent Lab - which you could get from your discard pile with Dowsing Machine
-1 Silver Bangle

+2 Max Potions

Lastly, IMO, your deck needs more Pokémon search capability (1st priority) and card drawing support (2nd). Should you decide to replace the Aromatisse lines, then you'll gain extra slots for other additional cards like:

Professor's Letter
Sacred Ash
VS Seeker (3rd)
Fairy energy (10th)

I hope you find these comments helpful.