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Seismitoad Lock (Seismitoad EX / Garbodor / Cobalion)


Aspiring Trainer
I just wanna start out by saying that I'm new to the forums and I have been away from the game for a long time so I'm not very familiar with the format or anything. With that said any and all advice is very much appreciated

Pokemon: 12
  • 4 Seismitoad EX (Rising Fist)
    2-2 Garbodor (Legendary Treasure)
    2-2 Pyroar (Flash Fire)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 36
  • 4 Muscle Band (Garbotoxin)
    4 Float Stone (Garbotoxin)
    4 Professor Juniper
    4 Ultra Ball
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    4 N (Shuffle & Draw)
    2 Lysandre
    2 Virbank City Gym
    1 Computer Search (Ace Spec)
    2 Switch
    2 Ghetsis
    2 Colress
    1 Tool Stripper
Energy: 12
  • 3 Water
    4 DCE
    3 Rainbow
    2 Fire
Strategy: The Basic strategy is to use Seismitoad's Goo Punch attack to lock my opponent's item cards for as long as I can while locking their abilities with Garbotoxin. Pyroar is in there to help against Genosect but can also be useful against many decks. If I feel that Pyroar is more benefitial than Garbodor than Garbodor becomes discard fodder or I take tools off him with Tool Stripper


Seismitoad-EX - Water - HP180

Basic Pokemon

[C][C] Goo Punch: 30 damage. During your opponent's next turn, they cannot play Item cards from their hand.
[W][W][C]: Grenade Hammer: 130 damage. This attack does 30 damage to two of your Benched Pokemon.

When a Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Grass (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3

Tool Stripper – Trainer

Choose 2 Pokemon Tool cards attached to your Pokemon and return them to your hand.

You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).
RE: Seismitoad Lock

This may come across as aggressive at times but is a cold hard look at your deck into making it more consistent. Your T/S/S list is wack and your techs don't make much sense at all, so here is my over view.

1 dedenne is not a counter for yveltal, in truth if they decide to start playing lysandre that tech is done, then the next turn they ohko your benched kyurem, also playing the active dedenne gives them a spare turn to use the no-trainer attack against you. Rock guard may be good at times in a format where tools are popular so do scrapper and megaphone, it would be more worth while to invest in/play computer search or dowsing machine to add consistency to your deck overall. 9 supporters isn't enough to get the deck by, what I mean by that is 9 draw cards, there should be 12+ as they are the bread and butter of the deck itself, it is what carries the deck. Ultra ball, Float stone and crushing hammer versus red card/trick shovel/fanclub/elesa/hard charm, truth is float stone is the best card to play with seismetoad/garbo, if something in your active goes down, you just promote the garbo with a float stone set things up from the bench and use the free retreat to get things going If you want to get rid of the large amount of dmg that active seismetoad will take play float stones and max potions. Trick shovel is an okay card, but due to the fact that everything in this format is so easy to get back with the right cards and or people will play overly consistent lists a 4 card mill in a deck like this just isn't going to slow them down that much, you might as well play crushing hammers and enhanced hammers with max potion to slow them down from taking out your seismetoad. Fan club is an okay card but this isn't DP anymore supporters run the deck and supporters that get you new hands is the thing that gets things going, the amount of draw pokemon cards is low and hard to play as evo cards aren't supported anymore, 2 per deck at max is fine. Other then that it is a decent start.
RE: Seismitoad Lock

Thank you for the input, I made some tweaks according to your suggestions.
RE: Seismitoad Lock (Seismetoad EX / Garbodor / Cobalion)

I actually think comp search is better for this deck. Since you want to lock asap. Being able to grab that DCE from your deck and lock them turn 1/2 is pretty great. If you give them that opportunity to play some items.

Also i kind of want to suggest Tropius over Cobalion. Mostly just because if you get it turn 1 and you go second, there is the opportunity to use Return if you have the right cards, and still have the energy press attack for the same amount of energy. But then again i just like grass types.

7 Hammers is also alot. I dont think you want to run 7 of them. Maybe 4 of them like a 2/2 or 3/1 Crushing/Enhanced.

Don't use battle reporter. Its super bad. The only time it will ever be good is if your opponent happens to use Colress for 10 cards and doesnt use too many of them. Other wise you would probably not draw anything. The idea of Item Lock/Battle reporter is interest. But if anything i would either use that or Ghetsis as a 1 of.

EIther way after dropping 3 hammers you could add 1 Tropius and 1 Ultra Ball and something else.
RE: Seismitoad Lock (Seismetoad EX / Garbodor / Cobalion)

I dropped 3 hammers to add in a Zekrom (to deal with Yveltal), a Hard Charm (wanted another tool for Garbotoxin), and an Ultra Ball. As far as Tropius goes, I'm going to try to get a better feel for the meta game in my area and either play Tropius or Cobalion depending on what it's like
RE: Seismitoad Lock (Seismetoad EX / Garbodor / Cobalion)

The Idea between the deck is great, item and ability lock has been a recurring theme and Seismitoad EX can certainly help to speed up the process being a basic and 1 energy away from item lock. The only issue I see and I feel like it breaks the deck is that Virizion Genesect is still one of the most prevalent decks in the format winning over 20 national champions and placing well in almost all of them. Virizion resists water so you're only do 10 damage a turn to virizion, 30 at max with a muscle band while Vizion is hitting for weakness and 2HKO's Seimitoad. Genesect doesnt resist it but it easily kills Seismitoad in one shot with weakness. When your deck has a near auto-loss to one of the most played decks in the format, it just wont turn out well.

However with that said, if you still plan to pursue the idea there are definetly some cards that can be swapped around to help with consistency.
RE: Seismitoad Lock (Seismetoad EX / Garbodor / Cobalion)

Ya I knew that was gonna be a near auto-loss but I still wanna try the deck out because I like the idea behind it. I ended up tossing the Startling Megaphone, an N, a Shauna, and a Crushing Hammer to add in an Escape Rope and some Bicycles though
*UPDATE* This is the list I've been running on PlayTCG to hopefully be able to keep up with Genosect better
This may seem odd, but if you are really only looking to lock them out, and that is your major offensive, try running dark energy and shadow circle. That should solve your weakness to grass.
I like the concept of that. I have to do some play testing but I was thinking of ditching the Pyroar line to add in 2 Latias EX to counter Genosect / Verision and Pyroar and then I could add in a 4th Rainbow Energy and a Dark Circle