Selling to Troll and Toad


Tamer of all Ducks!
I've been thinking about selling some (or all) of my bulk to Troll and Toad. Has anyone ever done this before? What steps do I need to take to do this?
Well, if you're going to sell your cards to one of the worst companies out there at much less than market price, you need to make sure to do a couple things:

Get delivery/signature confirmation. They like to pull the "we never got it" card, so it's immensely helpful to have proof that they in fact did.

Ask to be paid by PayPal. Though they still wait a few weeks to send payment by paypal, it's much better than waiting a few months for a check. You do get a slight bonus for store credit, but I'm not sure why you'd want to spend it there with their ridiculously bad prices on almost everything and pitiful inventory. $75 Yanmega Prime, anyone?

Know who to talk to. Most of the times I've called them I've gotten little more than that they're "processing" it. And the one time I made the mistake of asking for a check, I was told week after week that they'd send it out "tomorrow." I know Xev Chasen is pretty much the only person there who will actually try to help. Ask konter_j8902 about calling them; he has them saved as a contact on his phone...
I'vee never had a problem selling to them. Everytime I did they received, processed, and I got paid fairly quickly and painlessly. I agree however that they're prices are pretty low.
fantasy_freak08 said:
I'vee never had a problem selling to them. Everytime I did they received, processed, and I got paid fairly quickly and painlessly. I agree however that they're prices are pretty low.

Consider yourself very lucky. :p
What specifically are you selling? If it's bulk from recent sets, I suppose you're better off just sending it to them. If it's from a less common set, you may be better off selling/trading it to other people.
If you don't need the money right now save up your cards and sell them next year at nationals, it was a really simple process there this year. If you need to get rid of them now sell/trade them to someone here. There are quite a few people who will buy or trade for bulk cards.
Almost everyone on here with the "want to buy bulk" is asking for ridiculously low prices so they can resell to Troll and Toad.
I have bulk from recent sets and old sets. I have it across the board. lol I mainly have bulk from Neo Genesis...

The problem I saw with trading the bulk is that people way under value it... I could sell it to T&T, buy the cards I need and still have money left over. Where as if I trade it, then I'm loosing a lot. That's my opinion anyway... People don't value commons and uncommons at 5 cents per card.
dolphinluv2010 said:
I have bulk from recent sets and old sets. I have it across the board. lol I mainly have bulk from Neo Genesis...

The problem I saw with trading the bulk is that people way under value it... I could sell it to T&T, buy the cards I need and still have money left over. Where as if I trade it, then I'm loosing a lot. That's my opinion anyway... People don't value commons and uncommons at 5 cents per card.

I dont know many who value commons/uncommons at 5 cents a card. When I trade for bulk off my friends, I value them at like 1-3 cents each. T&T sells C/UC for .25 a piece which is just crazy for a common or uncommon.
konter_j8902 said:
You could get more for the neo stuff if you looked.

This. Definitely. I'd even suggest applying for Verified Seller status on the Beach if you don't already have it (hard to tell with no userbars ATM), because there's more than a few people on here who collect older sets.

When I've sold to T&T, I've never had too much of a problem. Took a whole to process, but I suppose that's to be expect. I'd still look for other avenues first, though.
GamingETC used to do 40$ for 1,000 bulk, but I'm not sure if they still do. You can always check though.