• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Seniors BR - Feraligatr Prime/Entei Suicune Legend


So....who likes shirts?
Pokemon (22):
3-2-2 Feraligatr Prime
2 Entei/Suicune Legend
3 Sableye SF
3 Smearlge UD
4 Unown Q
3 Uxie LA

T/S/S (20):
4 Bebe's Search
2 Bubble Coat
3 Interviewer's Questions
1 Luxury Ball
4 Poke Healer +
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Pokemon Rescue
2 Rare Candy

Energy (16):
3 {C}{C}
4 {R}
9 {W}

Strategy: Use Smeargle and Sableye w/ Unown Q to get up to 3 Supporter's per turn and load up the bench by T2 or 3. Tank with ESL and use Feraligatr Prime's Rain Dance to stock up on water energy.
RE: Seniors BR - Infernagatr

Infernape Lv.X is rotated out, no? Also, add a Strategy.

dmaster out.
RE: Seniors BR - Infernagatr (Infernape/Feraligatr)

Yo Xander. dmaster's right. If you want to keep this thread open, I suggest you edit your post.

I'm going to tell you right now, your list is very clunky.
RE: Seniors BR - Infernagatr (Infernape/Feraligatr)

It was just a test deck and I wanted to see if it had potential. Just getting some ideas is all.:)
RE: Infernagatr (Infernape/Feraligatr) Redshark deck

You want the deck to stay in this forum, or move to Casual Deck garage, depending if you want that Infernape Lv.X stays in or not.

Please let me know.
RE: Infernagatr (Infernape/Feraligatr) Redshark deck

its part of the main idea so ya can you please move it? thanks.
RE: Infernagatr (Infernape/Feraligatr) Redshark deck

Your strategy makes no sense. Who are you attaching water energy too ESL? bare in mind his water attack only targets bench pokemon. i What does Infernape or Salamence do for you? How is Infernape going to tank? it's not a tanking card unless you mean set it up a sacrifrice it by buying you a few turns. Also your pokemon lines in general are just horrible 2-2-1 Gatr primee? 2-2-1-1 Salamence lvX? Do you really think these lines will work out, cuz i don't. Also your T/S/S is pretty bad - how are you meant to recover energy from Infernape PL? are you going to rely on Ape lvX's flare up? 2 poke Healer+? awful.

I would help you but your current pokemon line doesn't match too well with your strategy so i build you deck i think you're trying to make

3-2-3 Gatr (2 Prime / 1 HGSS)
1-0-1 Kingdra / 1-1 Dodrio UD
2/2 ESL
4 Sableye SF
2 Uxie
1 Unown Q

This a pretty sketchy build but it provides alot more focus. Use Gatr prime to pile water energy onto ESL to snipe the bench, Kingdra prime is just something to help Gatr prime do more dmg if you to attack with him (which you'll have too to get rid of your opponents active OR you could switch Kingdra prime to a 1-1 Dodrio UD tech line to reduce everyone's retreat cost
RE: Infernagatr (Infernape/Feraligatr) Redshark deck

Thanks! I mainly just wanted to see if anything good would be able to come out of this. I realized it was a horrible build, but it was late and I didn't feel like fixing it:p.

BTW there is no Sableye LA. Which one are you talking about?
RE: Infernagatr (Infernape/Feraligatr) Redshark deck

Oops, my mistake. I meant to type Sableye SF.
RE: Seniors BR - Feraligatr Prime/ESL

@Mods: Can you repost this in the competitive forum? The strategy has been altered to MD-on. Thanks!