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Seniors BR - Turtwig GL tank


So....who likes shirts?
Any ideas? They would be much appreciated.

Pokemon (25):
3-3 Cherrim SF
2 Sableye SF
2-2 Shaymin X (land)
3 Smeargle UD
4 Unown Q
3 Turtwig GL
3 UXie LA

Trainers (21):
4 Bebe's Search
2 Department Store Girl
3 Expert Belt
3 Interviewer's Questions
1 Luxury Ball
2 Pokemon Collector
1 Premier Ball
3 Snowpoint Temple
2 Poketurn

Energy (14):

Strategy: Get out Turtwig, E-belt, Shaymin X, and Snowpoint and tank 50 per turn while healing 50 with 170 hp. The Cherrims bring it up to 90 and its poke-body can make it do 120 and heal 120 if it has <60 hp left.
RE: Turtwig GL tank <--Need help setting up faster!

Alakazam SP is a fun tech to run in this deck.
But I don't really know how to help you with the speed.
RE: Turtwig GL tank <--Need help setting up faster!

nice dek but watch out for dialga g lvl im playing it and machamp and luxray could be a problem so u should take that into consideration

I am a master and i am playing it at BR's
RE: Turtwig GL tank <--Need help setting up faster!

Two questions.

What division are you in?

Are you planning on taking it to BRs?

Please add those answers to your thread title.

Thank you.
hmm, i'm not really liking your pokemon line much, you'll never get a chance to set up anymore than 2, you don't want a bench filled with Cherrim as Luxchomp or any other deck playing Luxray GL lvX will love you for it. your bench will be open to all sorts of threats. To give this deck any sort of chance against decks faster than it, it would be best to incorporate a semi-sp engine just so you can use Power Spray to slow your opponents down.

-2-2 Cherrim SF
-1 Uxie LA
-2 Call Energy (2 won't help you much)
-4 Grass Energy
-2 Defender's (As long has you have at least Snowpoint Temple out then there isn't anything that can KO you)
-1 Interviewer's Question

+1 Chatot MD (This deck doesn't deal too well with a bad hand)
+1 Bronzong G (for game's when you're unable to maintain Turtwig on the field, trasfer DCE from on Twig to another)
+1 Crobat G
+3 Cyrus's Conspiracy
+2 Poke Turn
+3 Power Spray
+1 Warp Point

This leaves you with 2 open spaces to which you could add a few things-
1-1 Manectric PL (this mainly to stop Garchomp C sniping off you Cherrim's but of-cause it isn't to protect itself)
Energy Exchange (you could drop the last IQ for 3 of these as they are somewhat more reliable at getting you DCE as long as you has a {G} in hand).