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Seniors: LuxChomp (Regionals)


Kingdra Player!
2-1 Luxray GL LV.X RR
2-2 Garchomp C LV.X SV
2-1 Uxie LV.X LA
1-1 Drifblim UD (SF Drifloon)
1 Crobat G PL
1 Lucario GL RR
1 Ambipom G RR
1 Bronzong G PL
1 Unown Q MD
1 Azelf LA

4 Poketurn
4 Energy Gain
3 SP Radar
2 Power Spray
1 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball
1 Pokemon Communication
4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Collector
1 Interviewer's Questions
1 Palmer's Contribution
1 Aaron's Collection

7 {L}
4 {C}{C}
1 {P}

Same strategy as anyother LuxComp deck. Drifblim is for Macamp, VileGar, and Mewtwo LV.X. Interviewer's Questions is for when you can't get a Cyrus's.
All suggestions appreciated!
RE: LuxChomp (Seniors,Regionals)

-4 Lightning Energy

+4 Call Energy

Since only one Pokemon needs to attack with Lightning Energy, and since you run two copies of that Pokemon, Aaron's, and Palmer's, you can afford to only run 3 Lightning Energy to attack with Luxray. 4 Call Energy helps you setup some of your SP's early in the game, and is for consistency.
RE: LuxChomp (Seniors,Regionals)

I don't want to do that because I have energy problems a lot. Plus, I don't have 4 Call.
RE: LuxChomp (Seniors,Regionals)

With 4 Cyrus's Conspiracy, energy problems are non existent. Just learn how to shuffle good.

Any Call is better than no Call at all. If you don't have absolutely any, consider running another Power Spray, another Collector, and another Luxray GL Lv.X for consistency fixes.

dmaster out.
RE: LuxChomp (Seniors,Regionals)

I used to have a third power spray, but not many decks in my area have many pokepowers.I don't have the second Lux X, and same thing with the power spray, the third collector just clogged my hand.
RE: LuxChomp (Seniors,Regionals)

Something that could boost your consistency since you don't have Call Energy could be running a Weavile G. Not only is he a solid tech for consistency but can also be a fairly solid Gengar (lostgar, vilegar, cursegar) counter, which we know are very prominent decks.

I'd say:
-2 lightning Energy
+1 Weavile G
+1 Dark Energy
RE: LuxChomp (Seniors,Regionals)

How has Expert Belt been in your tests/games? (i'm usually at a 50:50 split between whether or not I should use it).

I would maybe try this fix.
-1 Palmer's Contribution (you need to recover and put those cards into the hand and not the deck, this will take time/resources to get them)
+1 VS Seeker (you may want to use a 5th Cyrus's Conspiracy, to help with your Energy problems or even extra usage on Interviewer's Question, Professor Oak's New Theory or Aaron's collection ect.
RE: LuxChomp (Seniors,Regionals)

If your meta is Gyarados and Vilegar I recommend

-4 Lightning
+4 Call Energy

-1 Interviewers
-1 Bebes

+2 Spray
+1 Luxray GL or Luxray GL X
+1 Crobat G
+1 Pokemon Collector
RE: LuxChomp (Seniors,Regionals)

If you can't run Call, run some Weavile G. It's cheaper and helps.

EDIT: I didn't see sikstrod's post. But IMO you should be running 3 Weavile to start with it.

Also, dont run SF drifloon. UD Drifloon's second attack can be a lifesaver.
RE: LuxChomp (Seniors,Regionals)

Call >>>>> Weavile. Call essentially does the same exact thing as Weavile, except that it also provides Energy. The single Weavile slicktrod suggested was an anti-Lostgar tech.
RE: LuxChomp (Seniors,Regionals)

True, but it works if he cant get it. I imagine they're 10x cheaper than call, if not 5x. Plus it's not so bad since you can get a T1 spray.