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Serperior and Reuniclus deck(help please)


Aspiring Trainer
i need help to make a good deck

3-2-3 Serperior(Snivy BW1, Servine BW3, Serperior 2 ability-1 normal)
2-1-2 Reuniclus
2- Cleffa

Items/Supporters/Stadiums (25)
2 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Collector
2 Prof. Juniper
2 Switch
2 Judge
2 Copycat
2 Revive

Energy (16)
8 Lightning
4 Grass
4 Rainbow

The strategy it´s to star with cleffa and set serperior and reuniclus in my bench the more earlier posibble.
Zekrom it´s my main attacker.
Deck looks really good, some minor changes:

-2 Judge since this deck doesn't run yanmega it doesn't need this, this card could help your opponent and/or hurt you
-2 Copycat again, this is really only necessary in yanmega decks because if the opponent plays much of their hand you won't get much
-4 Grass Energy Serperiors attack isn't very good, it isn't worth using

+2 Rare Candy with 2 stage 2 lines, 4 rare candies is a must for optimal speed.
+2 Pokemon Reversal pulls weak pokemon up from the bench for easy KOs, change this to pokemon catcher when it comes out.
+4 Lightning Energy this will give you better chances of having the energy zekrom needs.