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Serperior/Cresselia EX (BW-ON) needs help.


Aspiring Trainer
Looking at the new Freezebolt/Coldflare sets combined with my passion to make Serperior BW work, I came up with this idea. Basically, this is a major heal deck. It's fairly simple: Serperior and Cressila EX's abilties combined with Potions and Gold Potion to keep Cresselia EX attacking for 90 Each turn. This will allow the 2HKO for nearly anything while staying alive and getting ahead of the prize game. Adding Giant Cape gives Cresselia more HP to work with. Virizion provides a good starter and draw support while Shaymin EX will greatly help the late game.

The problem now is getting Serperior out. Does this mean more Ultra Balls and maybe some Communications for Level Ball+Communication? Skyla should help with getting Candies and Ultra Balls.

I'm guessing it may be a bit slow,but hopefully Virizion will be starting or will be there very early in the game which will give Ceessila's time to set up. Anyways, I'm determined to play this deck either way. Any help would be appreciated!


Cresselia-EX - Psychic - HP170
Basic Pokemon

Ability: Sparkling Dust
At any time between turns, heal 10 damage from this Pokemon.

[P][C][C][C] Psycho Defender: 90 damage. During your opponent’s next turn, this Pokemon has no Weakness.

When Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Gold Potion - Trainer

Heal 90 damage from your Active Pokemon.

ACE SPEC: You can’t have more than 1 ACE SPEC card in your deck.

Skyla - Trainer

Search your deck for a Trainer card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.

You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack).


Pokemon: 16
3 Cresselia EX (Cold Flare)
4-2-4 Serperior (Ability)
2 Virizion NV
1 Shaymin EX ND

T/S/S: 30
4 Rare Candy
4 N
3 Juniper
3 Level Ball
3 Ultra Ball
3 Skyla
3 Catcher
2 Eviolite
2 Potion
2 Super Rod
1 Gold Potion

Energy: 14
5 {P}
3 {G}
4 {C}{C}
2 Blended {P}{R}{G}{D}
Why not use Eviolite instead of Giant Cape? It essentially gives a Pokémon +20HP but works better for taking multiple hits.
I don't want to change your whole deck but if your going for a Heal Tank Cresselia how about using Blissey from Dark Explorers, combined with Aspertia City Gym from Cold Flare and Giant Cape gives your Blissey 170 HP. I know the ablility is flipy but if you have 3 Blissey you could remove 90 damage there verses the 60 from 3 Serperior, and chance are 3 Blissey can get set up pretty fast.

So my input is.

- 4-2-4 Serperior
+4-4 Blissey
+2 Aspertia City Gym

Aspertia City Gym – Trainer

[C] Pokemon have their max HP increased +20.

This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can’t play this card.
DeepSleepDarkrai said:
So my input is.

- 4-2-4 Serperior
+4-4 Blissey
+2 Aspertia City Gym

I am running 4-4 blissey line in a registeel EX deck and it's working fine. Tanky. Cresselia will be as good, but i'd rather try a lunatone/ether engine instead of aspertia city gym. Cresselia is going to be veeery slow to set up, and maybe 2 lunatone, 3 ether and 3 pokedex can speed it up, other than that blissey doesn't really need that extra 20 HP, it already has a huge 130 HP. I'm aware this kind of energy acceleration messes with consitancy but...

- 4-2-4 serperior
- 1 shaymin ex
+ 4-4 blissey
+ 2 lunatone

- 3 level ball
- 4 rare candy
- 3 skyla
- 2 giant cape
+ 3 heavy ball
+ 3 ether
+ 3 pokedex
+ 2 eviolite

- 3 grass
- 2 blend
+ 5 psychic
If at all you could fit it in (Which I bet will be difficult), Reuniclus would be nice. Spread the damage across your pokemon so Serperior is healing more. Yeah, there's the issue of getting 2 Stage 2s out, but without reuniclus, Blissey's statistically better.
Why not use Gardevoir to speed up the energy acceleration? That way you can not only attack at a sooner turn, but use max potions more effectively. Also the main focus of attack will be Gardevoir instead of an EX
Cress's attack gives her no weakness, which prevents a Mewtwo KO in most situations. He has to have 6 energies on him to KO Cress
Lumos77 said:
Cress's attack gives her no weakness, which prevents a Mewtwo KO in most situations. He has to have 6 energies on him to KO Cress

Oh that's awesome!
How about for decks with a klingklang (or hydriegon) style? Of moving the energies onto another Pokemon and using Max potion. Would cresselia struggle getting the 2shot KO?
Thanks for the advice so far. Unfortunately, I'm too stubborn for my own good and it's going to cost me. I can't bring myself to take the Serperior's out of this deck. I thought about using Gardevoir and Reineclus, but if anything I'll get more Cresselia EX and form separate decks around one of those lines. I'll highly consider, and even test Blissy out. For now, I'm going to keep the list without her just to make things less confusing.

I love the idea of Eviolite. For some odd reason I forgot Cresselia was a basic... silly me. That would really help by having to heal 20HP less after an attack.

I like this idea -
Aspertia City Gym – Trainer

[C] Pokemon have their max HP increased +20.

This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can’t play

But now that I think of it, I have 2 Stadium options:
1. Aspertia City Gym (listed above)
2. Pokemon Center (which I forgot about). Would help with heals in between turns. Guess it's not so useless after all.

I like the idea of both (thanks DeepSleepDarkrai for the suggestion).
I would run Pokemon center over Asperita just because you want to 1 hit un eviolited Mewtwos
Aspertia City Gym only works on Colorless Pokemon. It won't do anything to Cresselia or Mewtwo. Therefore, if you do run a Stadium Pokemon Center is better because it actually does something. Pokemon Center isn't completely necessary either because you'd have to keep retreating to use its effect anyway.