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Standard Serviper / Ariados


Aspiring Trainer
Hi everyone. I'm VERY new to PTCG, so, disregard any bizarre misundertandings.
Also new to PokéBeach, therefore, if this thread needs formating or being moved somewhere else, let me know.

The deck is as it follows:


Pokémon (16)
  • 4 Team Aqua's Seviper (Double Crisis)
  • 2 Corphish (Primal Clash)
  • 2 Crawdaunt (Primal Clash)
  • 2 Spinerak (Ancient Origins)
  • 2 Ariados (Ancient Origins)
  • 2 Doduo (Generations)
  • 2 Dodrio (Generations)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (36)
  • 4 Crushing Hammer
  • 2 Enhanced Hammer
  • 2 Super Scoop-Up
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 4 Level Ball
  • 2 Team Aqua's Great Ball
  • 2 Team Flare Grunt
  • 4 Shauna
  • 1 Teammates
  • 4 Trainer's Mail
  • 4 Roller Skates
  • 2 AZ
  • 2 Parallel City
  • 1 Sacred Ash

Energy (8)
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 2 Darkness Energy
  • 2 Water Energy

Well, to being with, lemme just say this is SUPPOSED to be a budget deck, as far as you guys can tell, there are no VS Seeker, Sycamore or other costy staple cards.

The idea of the deck, however, is intended to break the metagame and push decks into energy oblivion.

Seviper will be handing it, being the star of the show with a Double Colorless and a pretty big sleeper hit attack:

Venom Tail 30

"If your opponent's active pokémon is affected by a Special Condition, discard an energy attached to that pokémon".

So, explanations and strategy.

Seviper hits nice and easy, with the assist of Ariados and Dodrio.

Why Dodrio over Float Stone?
A: Budget
B: It makes my ENTIRE pokémon line have zero retreat cost and is NOT prone to teching such as Xerosic, etc..

Dodrio "retreats" Seviper into Ariados, that proceeds to poisoning the defending pokémon, then Ariados retreat into Seviper for the energy discard and damage apply. Hammers/Grunts also comes into play.

Level Ball and Team Aqua's Great Ball can pretty much net me the entire pokémon composition.

Draw Support and Teching:

Shauna/Trainer's Mail/Roller Skates/Parallel City

Parallel City is mostly there to discard stadiums and make the opponent's life even harder, having to discard or absent of playing two pokémon.

The rest is pretty straight forward.

Anyways, I would HEAVILY apreciate any comments, critics and tips for this deck, as I deliberately CANNOT even test it (I came up with it a few days ago and my notebook was stolen, so no PTCGO for me YAY)

Thanks for the replies in advance!
You can only retreat once per turn so your strategy has a flaw. However, Ariados does not have to be active to use his ability. I understand you don't want to poison your own Pokemon but sometimes it's a risk you have to take. Another thing is that Sycamore are about 75 cents per card so I wouldn't call that expensive. Plus they've been reprinted 3 times and they have fairly good pull rates. Take out the roller skates for sycamores. You don't want to waste a card in your deck on a coin flip. You could hit 4 tails and essentially have wasted four spots in your list. You should also bump up your stadium count to 3 and add in another teammates.
Thanks for the reply, Fouda.

I (as mentioned previously) did not knew about the retreat rule, so there's that.

I could replace Ariados with Hypno and trade those Dodrios for Sparkling Robes/Float Stones.

About Sycamore: I'm from Brasil, and in here PTCG is COSTY. Sycamore is around 3$ (9 Reais), but I do have a few of it on another deck, so there's that..

I guess it could be this way:

- 2-2 Dodrio
- 2-2 Ariados
- 4x Roller Skates
- 1x Lysandre
- 1x AZ

+ 2 Sparkling Robe
+ 2 Float Stone
+2-2 Hypno
+4x Sycamore
+1x Parallel City
+1x Teammates
I would suggest all night party over sparkling robe so you could use something else in your tool slots.
That's a GREAT tip, actually zaratath!

-3x Parallel City
-2x Sparkling Robe
-2x Float Stone

+3x All Night Party
+2x Muscle Band / Fighting Fury Belt (?)
+2x Switch / Escape Rope (?)
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If you ever want to use Ariados again, you can use Machamp-EX. He's easy to get now thanks to the recent Tins.