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Shadow Plasma Mega Kangaskhan! (M Kangaskhan EX / Hydreigon / Umbreon)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 2-2 Mega Kangaskhan EX
    2-1-2 Hydregion
    3-3 Umbreon (Dark Shade)
    2 Darkrai EX

  • 4 Max Potion
    4 Team Plasma Badge
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Rare Candy
    2 Professor's Letter
    2 Shadow Circle (Stadium)
    1 Sacred Ash

    3 N
    3 Juniper
    3 Skyla
    2 Colress
    2 Fan Club
    1 Lysandre

  • 2 Rainbow
    8 Darkness


Check out the deck in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DU9Slk2Vgw

What started out as a goofy idea as a darkness variation on your typical Kangaskhan/Aromatise deck turn into a crazy amalgamation of nearly ALL the support cards that both Team Plasma and Darkness type have to offer.

The goal of the deck is identical to Aromatise: get M Kangaskhan (now with a maximum of 290HP with Umbreon) active, kick their active around, and heal off any attempts at retaliation with Max potions.

Now, where this deck goes off is our energy manipulator can also attack for 140 in a pinch, our "fairy garden" can attack and hit the bench, AND that pesky fighting weakness is no longer holding us back thanks to Shadow Circle!
RE: Shadow Plasma Mega Kangaskhan!

Its interesting with the umbreon and plasma badge combo but i think those 10 spots of the deck could be filled with cards like more rainbow energy, muslce band, Virizion EX, and yveltal EX.
RE: Shadow Plasma Mega Kangaskhan!

Ironman131 said:
Its interesting with the umbreon and plasma badge combo but i think those 10 spots of the deck could be filled with cards like more rainbow energy, muslce band, Virizion EX, and yveltal EX.

Since you won't be accelerating energy with Virizion EX, I feel the extra HP is more worth it. Having to spend an entire turn mega evolving just to get two hit knocked out is the main set back with mega EXs. Removing weakness and adding even just 20hp makes all the difference, especially with Max Potion healing ALL damage counters.

As for Yveltal EX, I feel it would be more effective if you spend the deck space on DCE counter techs, such as Beartic/Raichu/Druddigon. vut at that point it's an entirely different deck that should even run M Kang. Thanks for the feed back though!
RE: Shadow Plasma Mega Kangaskhan! (Kangaskhan EX / Hydreigon / Umbreon)

I do like the idea of plasma umbreon in combination with certain cards. The only thing is Garbodor is such a huge pain for those decks. At the right moment, a tool could come down on Garbodor and KO pokemon when those lose umbreons ability. Same goes for Plasma badge being scrapped. Its a fun idea, but its just not practical.

You could have a M Khang with 220 damage on it and think, its fine on the bench it still has 60 hp. Then a megaphone or tool gets dropped on garbodor, and it just up and dies on the bench. its quite sad to lose like that. I had a game where i lost 3 prizes from a tool going down on garbodor to end the game.
RE: Shadow Plasma Mega Kangaskhan! (Kangaskhan EX / Hydreigon / Umbreon)

Without Dark Patch in BCR-on, I'd rather just play with Aromatisse. It's not a good attacker like Hydrogen, but it's a lot more consistent and saves space. I also think Xerneas is better than Yveltal (which you should probably have a copy or two of if you're going to stick with Darkness over Fairy) when it comes to Energy acceleration.