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Shadow Wall - Umbreon Gengar (Cities, Masters)


Avid Trader/Player
It started because an Umbreon Wall deck seemed like a fun idea, but I realized that Umbreon couldn't hold up to a matchup against just about anything but VileGar. So I decided to pair it up with something that could be a devastating attacker in case Umbreon wasn't the right attacker.

Pokemon: 25
4x Eevee MD (62/100)
1x Espeon MD
1x Espeon Prime
1x Umbreon MD
2x Umbreon UD
2x Gastley SF
2x Haunter TR
2x Gengar SF
1x Gengar Lv.X
2x Uxie LA
1x Uxie Lv.X
2x Unown Q
1x Azelf LA
1x Ditto LA
2x Sableye SF

T/S/St: 23
3x Bebe's Search
2x Copycat
2x Cyrus's Conspiracy
1x Palmers Contribution
3x Pokemon Collector
2x Expert Belt
1x Luxury Ball
2x Pokemon Communication
1x Rare Candy
1x VS Seeker
3x Broken Time-Space

2x Darkness Energy - Basic
3x Psychic Energy - Basic
4x Darkness Energy - Special
2x Double Colorless Energy - Special
1x Rainbow Energy - Special
i would say
-1 ditto
+ 1 sableye
another thing is that i would rather go heavy on gengar and take out eveelutions because they dont do as much damage and they have low HP.
dito isnt really that good anymore. flygon isnt common, gengar mathups its good but you already have umbreon for that.
BTW i really like this deck idea. nice work.