Store Banner
Welcome to the Shadow Warehouse. Where you can get almost everything. Everyone that work here specialize in a different type of spiting. For an example I am good a making neon glowing pokemons scroll down for the example.
Banner: Look at the store banner Made by me, Dragon Rider Of PokeBeach, Flygon Ruler, and KeybladePokemon
Trainer cards:
agustinj and Dragon Rider Of PokeBeach
Note: I do not own all the examples used and the examples used are from my workers ok.
Shadow Boss:
Master of the Shadow
Shadow Workers:
Dragon Rider Of PokeBeach
Flygon Ruler
Rules: Most important one is #1
1. Give credit to the maker of the spite your requested.
2. Don't complain. Hey we are not perfect. If we did something wrong just tell us politely and we will try to fix it.
3. We don't do big orders. Depending on what you want we can not do big orders because we might also have some request from someone else we need to get done. For example if you want 6 neon colored pokemons you will have to wait because we mght have requests from other people also.
4. First come first served. If you requested a neon pokemon and then someone else ask for one the first person that asked me will get their's done first.
5. I will have the maker of Trainer cards or anything else make their own form and I will post it up here.
*Note again* Remember that that I don't own all examples. Also I will update the rules when I get more worker or feel time

Welcome to the Shadow Warehouse. Where you can get almost everything. Everyone that work here specialize in a different type of spiting. For an example I am good a making neon glowing pokemons scroll down for the example.
Banner: Look at the store banner Made by me, Dragon Rider Of PokeBeach, Flygon Ruler, and KeybladePokemon
Trainer cards:


Note: I do not own all the examples used and the examples used are from my workers ok.
Shadow Boss:
Master of the Shadow
Shadow Workers:
Dragon Rider Of PokeBeach
Flygon Ruler
Rules: Most important one is #1
1. Give credit to the maker of the spite your requested.
2. Don't complain. Hey we are not perfect. If we did something wrong just tell us politely and we will try to fix it.
3. We don't do big orders. Depending on what you want we can not do big orders because we might also have some request from someone else we need to get done. For example if you want 6 neon colored pokemons you will have to wait because we mght have requests from other people also.
4. First come first served. If you requested a neon pokemon and then someone else ask for one the first person that asked me will get their's done first.
5. I will have the maker of Trainer cards or anything else make their own form and I will post it up here.
*Note again* Remember that that I don't own all examples. Also I will update the rules when I get more worker or feel time