Shadow's Fan Art thread

What do you think of my Art???

  • Its Great!

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • Its ok...

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Its bad.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


"Crimson Dance, Yugetsu!"
I decided to open a FanArt thread of my own. Im getting back into my artistic mood, so It works.

NOTE: I have never taken an Art class in my life.
Also note, I DO NOT Trace.



If you guys like my art enough, I can keep posting more later on.


  • Blade liger.JPG
    Blade liger.JPG
    408.5 KB · Views: 20
  • MechKyogre.JPG
    444.3 KB · Views: 22
  • SkyDragon.JPG
    427.9 KB · Views: 18
good artistic skill, but it looks like its just the concept art, maybe you could try different poses?
These are quite impressive drawings, but the shading on most of these drawings could use some work, and Mecha Kyogre's outlines could use some work. It looks a tad bit two-diememsional.
Mr. Random said:
These are quite impressive drawings, but the shading on most of these drawings could use some work, and Mecha Kyogre's outlines could use some work. It looks a tad bit two-diememsional.

I hope your not including the "Liger Zero Falcon" in this statment. Its Shading is nearly perfect. That, I know for a fact.

The other ones such as Flygon, and Kyogre, arent shaded as I forgot.... lol
At any rate, Shading or no shading, they arent easy to draw.
Well, the pokemon ones are.
In terms of the not tracing bit, it's really good. Your coordination from life-to-paper is pretty on key, with what I see, and that's pretty important for artists to really understand.

However, besides that fact, these do look rather flat. I'm not even necessarily talking about the shading or the perspective; it's the matter of they look like they're from original artwork. I'd really be interested in seeing some independently drawn, differently posed stuff. I think you have the ability to do that, given you've probably got the most important basic down.
Yeah, due to the fact that Ive never taken an art class, its hard for me to draw things without looking at it.

All of my art IS hand drawn, but I had somthing in front of me to look at while drawing it.

I have 1 scetch that is 100% original and I will post it later.

But thanks still.
I really like your art. You have included really nice. I'm really surprised that you haven't had art classes and draw this well. Nice job on the drawings.
Ice Arceus said:
I really like your art. You have included really nice. I'm really surprised that you haven't had art classes and draw this well. Nice job on the drawings.

Yeah, lol thats the part that draws me suspition... Some people doubt my work as being "authentic".

But I cant draw people. So that is my limit. ...err, one of .

And thanks.