Wi-Fi Trades Shadow's Trade Center. Revived for now.

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"Crimson Dance, Yugetsu!"
Well yeah, I thought I should post up stuff I have to offer and what I need.

I never log out so it allways appears that im on.
I dont accept hacked pokemon unless stated otherwise via agreement.
I can clone if need be.

Blaziken/Hasty/Lv 100
Swampert/Brave/Lv 100
Cresselia/Timid/Lv 100
Milotic/Timid/UT/(WCS) Jap.
Dialga/Modest/Lv 100 (hacked)
Glaceon/Timid/Lv 100
Jap Raikou/Adamant/Lv 100 (might be hacked)
Mightyena(nicknamed azelf)/Timid/Lv 100 (seems real)
Ho-oh/impish/Lv 100
Kingdra/Modest/Lv 50
Trapinch/Lv 20/modest/ UT
Jap Latias/Lv 100/mild
10th anv Suicune UT (Very good IV's)
Mew lv 100 (might be hacked)
Palkia/Impish/ lv 70 UT.
Machamp/Impish/ UT.
Rampardos adamant lv 30 UT
Houndoom adamant lv 30 UT
Camerupt Careful lv 53
Rapidash Careful lv 43 i think...
Entei Impish lv 100
Groudon Lonely lv 100
Arcanine Sassy lv 50
Luxray/Jolly/ Lv 31/UT
Aggron/Hardy/lv 42 UT
Empoleon/Modest/Lv 36 UT
Torterra/Careful/lv 32 UT
Ninetails/Timid/lv 100 EV'd
Venusaur/Lax/lv 32 UT
Feraligator/Naive/Lv 30 UT
Jirachi/Modest/Lv 5 UT
Typhlosion/Timid/lv 37 UT
Meganium/Rash/lv 32 UT
Uxie/Naive/lv50 UT
Blastoise/Hardy/Lv 36 UT
Sceptile/Relaxed/Lv 36 UT
Kyogre/Jolly/Lv 100 EV'd.
Gyarados/Bold/Lv 47 PKRS
Sneasel/Naive/Lv 36 UT
Larvitar/Adamant/Lv 6 UT with DD
Beautifly/Impish/Lv 52
Arbok/Naive/Lv 41
Salamence/Adamant/Lv 100 Fully EV'd.
Azelf/Naughty/Lv 61/Partly touched???
Mesprit/Sassy/Lv 50 UT
Lapras/Timid/Lv 100
Staraptor/Modest/lv 73
Skarmory/Serious/Lv 56
Spiritomb/Hasty/Lv 1 UT
Flareon/Sassy/Lv 15
Vaporeon/Sassy/Lv 10
Jolteon/Sassy/ Lv 15
Froslass/Relaxed/Lv 29 (might be hacked)
Absol/Timid/Lv 25 UT
Yanmega/Timid/Lv 39 UT
Espeon/Modest/Lv 10 UT
Leafeon/Modest/Lv 10 UT
Umbreon/Modest/Lv 10 UT
Garchomp/Jolly/Lv 48 UT
Moltres/Hardy/Lv 50 UT
Zapdos/Hardy/Lv 52 UT (i think)
Darkrai/Brave/Lv 50 (hacked i think)
Magnamite/Quiet/Lv 28 UT
Eevee/Modest/Lv 1 UT
Heatran/Modest/Lv 100 EVd
Mewtwo/forgot/Lv 100 not sure.
Regirock/Naughty/Lv 30 UT
Sharpedo/Brave/Lv 31/UT
Growlithe/Adamant/Lv 1 UT
Torcoal/Calm/Lv 55 UT?
Gardevoir/Timid/Lv 30 UT
Aerodactyl/Mild/Lv 5 UT
Ampharos/Sassy/Lv 30 UT
Roserade/Gentle/lv 18 UT
Drifblim/Naive/Lv 28 UT
Bronzong/Brave/Lv 40 UT?
Scizor/Adamant/Lv 100 EV'd.

Articuno/Any nature/UT
Zapdos/Any Nature/UT
Moltres/Any Nature/UT
Darkrai/Serious/Lv 50 (caught in game)
Arceus/Naughty/Lv 100 (caught in game)
Regigigas/Hardy/UT (platinum)
Deoxys/Hardy/Lv 100 (speed form)
Uxie Lv X/Hardy/UT (ust nickname)
Azelf/Relaxed/lv 100 EV'd
Giritina/Mild/Lv 100

Event Pokemon:

Mew (Jap WIFI event) Lv 5 Jolly nature. UT.
Shaymin/Quiet/Lv 100 (TRU)
Arceus/Docile/Lve 100 (Movie 09) (moves: Shadowforce, judgment, spacial rend, and roar of time.)
Celebi 10th anv lv 70 UT.
Jap Pikachu (PC Yokohama)/Modest/ with Surf.
Lucario (World08) Lv 100 sorry, not UT...
Jirachi/Wi-Fi gift/Lv 100
Raikou (HG/SS) Calm UT
Entei (HG/SS) Bold UT
Shiny Pichu


Shiny Reggigigasu*****************
Shiny Phione ***************
(Those are the only legendary pokemon Im missing in shiny form)

Battle wants:
- All of the following MUST be 100% Legit and UT.

-However, it CAN be a clone.

Kyogre: Modest, High SpA and HP IV's. UT.

Houndour/Houndoom: (Flash Fire) Modest/Timid, 31 IV for SpA and Speed. UT. Must have Super Fang attack.

Weavile: Jolly/Adamant, 31 IV for Atk and Speed. UT. Must have Fake Out attack.

Latios: Modest, High SpA and Speed IV's. UT.

Groudon: Adamant, High Atk and HP IV's. UT.

Execute/Exeggutor: Modest, 31 IV in SpA and HP. UT. Must have Gravity attack.

Non legendary Shiny wants:

Most any LEGIT shiny

Pending Trades:
RE: Trade Center of sort. Decent stuff for trade.

i want VGC Milotic i got a shiny Charmander UT and shiny Pikachu UT u can have one of em and ill throw in a shiny Raticate and might be able to get TM 64 Explosion
RE: Trade Center of sort. Decent stuff for trade.

I'm interested in a bold moltres if you could get one... as long as its copmletely unhacked and untouched. I am willing to trade a fully eved bulky gyrados for it (standard set)
RE: Trade Center of sort. Decent stuff for trade.

You have an Uxie Lv.X and a Mesprit Lv.X?
RE: Trade Center of sort. Decent stuff for trade.

Its not the card Uxie X, its just the pokemons nickname.
RE: Trade Center of sort. Decent stuff for trade.

Oh, my bad. I thought you also played TCG.
RE: Trade Center of sort. Decent stuff for trade.

Bulky normally describes a slow powerful pokemon that can take a few hits (things like arcanine), but Bulky is also a type of moveset for a pokemon. Bulky gyra is very common and very useful: Its a slightly more defensively orientated EVwise, but is a dragon dance set. I've also got a subpunch spore breloom. Not sure if that one is fro trade though.
RE: Trade Center of sort. Decent stuff for trade. Updated. New Shinies.

Oh, come on people. I have good stuff for trade. Whenever I look in YOUR threads you find somthing you like of mine.
RE: Trade Center of sort. Decent stuff for trade. Updated again. New Shinies.

Will you accept a Hacked Shiny Rampardos with the TM Explosion attached? I want the Shiny Glaceon.:)
RE: Trade Center of sort. Decent stuff for trade. Updated again. New Shinies.

How hacked? (is it in a pokeball at least?)

As long as it stays Shiny without an AR plugged in, sure I'll do it.
I cant trade for about an hour or two, but if your around later, I can trade.
RE: Trade Center of sort. Decent stuff for trade. Updated again. New Shinies.

shadoworganoid said:
How hacked? (is it in a pokeball at least?)

As long as it stays Shiny without an AR plugged in, sure I'll do it.
I cant trade for about an hour or two, but if your around later, I can trade.
It stays Shiny without an AR, as I didn't hack it. It's in a Master Ball, and was caught in Snowpoint temple. No hacked moves or anything. Also, we have to trade before 8:00 your time, okay? Bye!
RE: Trade Center of sort. Decent stuff for trade. Updated again. New Shinies.

what nature is shiny trapinch?
and i also like the event espeon
check my list for those please (in my sig)
RE: Trade Center of sort. Decent stuff for trade. Updated again. New Shinies.

check me for,

RE: Trade Center of sort. Decent stuff for trade. Updated again. New Shinies.

That link takes me to your TCG thread. Wheres your VG thread?
RE: Trade Center of sort. Decent stuff for trade. Updated again. New Shinies.

shadoworganoid said:
That link takes me to your TCG thread. Wheres your VG thread?
no it doesnt
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