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Sharpedo/Vicitini (Pedobear)


Rebecca Black <3

4 Sharpedo TM
4 Carvanah TM
2 Victini Red Collection
2 Vicitini Formation
3 Basculin EP?
2 Slowking CL
2 Slowpoke CL

4 Pokemon Collector
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Sage's Training
2 Professor Juniper
4 Victory Medal
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Junk Arm
2 Super Rod (Night Maintence Reprint)
2 Dual Ball
2 Pokemon Catcher

4 Special Dark
4 Rainbow
3 Double Colorless Energy
2 Water

You are ok to start with anything but a Slowpoke. Caravanah would be your ideal start though. Try and get a t2 sharpedo and a Coin Reflip Vicitini. A t2 Slowking would be cool to, but hey, you can't have everything. Use Strip Bare to try and discard your opponents hand. Bascullin is a Donphan counter, and you have a very low chance of it being knocked out as well. Slowking can lock their topdecks so that they can't do anything. Vicitni Formation can be used to sweep after you have reduced their hand.

Lmk what you think.

I like the deck idea and it seems like the new troll deck :)

but Personally I would like to see

-1 Pokemon Collector
+1 Dual Ball

Just personally I think having 4 Collector is too many and would be useless late game, and dual ball would be better IMO
I think you should remove both Victini Formation for 1 more flipping Victini. Your deck essentially revolves around it, and I don't think the formation is the best incarnation of a sweeper.

-1 - 1 Sharpedo
+1 - 1 Slowking

You don't need 4 Sharpedo, but then, you could do with 2 Slowking at a time, so 3 is better.

-1 Basculin (You don't need 3 if it's just a Donphan Counter)

-2 Rainbow Energy
+1 Double Colorless Energy
-1 Pokemon Collector
+1 Professor Oak's New Theory
-1 Sage's Training

+2 - 2 Cinccino

This is a much more consistent version of Victini's attack, works with Double Colorless Energy, and it can take a hit from their basic Pokemon before it sweeps.
Pokemunkulys said:
I think you should remove both Victini Formation for 1 more flipping Victini. Your deck essentially revolves around it, and I don't think the formation is the best incarnation of a sweeper.

-1 - 1 Sharpedo
+1 - 1 Slowking

You don't need 4 Sharpedo, but then, you could do with 2 Slowking at a time, so 3 is better.

-1 Basculin (You don't need 3 if it's just a Donphan Counter)

-2 Rainbow Energy
+1 Double Colorless Energy
-1 Pokemon Collector
+1 Professor Oak's New Theory
-1 Sage's Training

+2 - 2 Cinccino

This is a much more consistent version of Victini's attack, works with Double Colorless Energy, and it can take a hit from their basic Pokemon before it sweeps.
I like the Cinccino Idea, but I don't want to take out pedo for slowking as I don't want to start poke.
have you considered a Weavile tech? Its quite good early and Sneasel is a really good starter. Help create a more intense lock in the beginning with Slowking until the Sharpedo/Victini combo works.

-2 Victini formation. maybe i'm missing something but not sure why its that awesome
-2 Basculin. i like 1 for the tech

+ 2-2 Weavile. underrated hand disruption
Weavile is a no-no. You shouldn't waste space on a lock before you get the ultimate 'Pedo lock.

-1 Basculin, as others have said, only 2 are needed against Donphan.

I would take out the 4 Victory Medal (just not that great of a card) and add in:
+1 Communication (to get the T2 Sharpedo for sure)
+1 Junk Arm (4 is definitely needed for all the Trainers you'll need/want)
+1 Pokémon Catcher (We want to get good, cheap KOs here and take out supporting Pokémon so that even if forced to give the opponent an out to Refresh, you can still hinder them enough to get the lock going again)
+3 Judge. This card helps so much if you HAVE to give your opponent refresh (if his top 3 ends up PONT, PONT, Juniper or something, you're in trouble), so that you can at least hope for your opponent to draw into nothing good. Besides, even if he does draw into good cards, you can still Strip him Bare next turn, if unlucky with flips, the turn after. Only two turns of setup after Judge can hurt so much.
-1 Sage's Training. I don't like it too much, you'll end up discarding a lot that you might need. Better to rely on PONT, Juniper, and Judge.