Shaymin Choice


Advanced Member
Which Shaymin is the best one to play in a Shaymin deck? I'm leaning toward the Holo Land Forme from PT.
It totally depends. If you are using a special condition deck, then I suggest using Shaymin 14/127. If you are using other decks, such as my Leafmin, then use Shaymin 38/127. If you want to play a rogue deck, use Skymin.
im going to say that shaymin sky form is the best because it can get you 3 energy by T2, allowing for T2 shaymin, plus shaymin LV.X can evolve from either form.
80 HP one with the free attack.

At least that one works well with Seed Flare.
I'm going with sky form because it combos well with Leafeon X.
I like both Lv.xs (Land preffered though) but regular Skymin sucks terribly while both Land Shaymins do not.
I personally LOVE the skyforme holo here.

80 HP, an attack that charges itself up, 40 for 2 (not too good), and its LV X is pretty good.
1) Sky Form
2) Non Holo Land Form
3) Holo Land Form

Sky form can allow T2 Seed Flare, Non Holo can give you another attacker in Torterra or Leafeon, other guy...just fails
Gliscor said:
It totally depends.
Exactly. Those Shaymin are for different purposes. The Skymin is great for speed and setup. Not only do you not have to worry too much on Fighting types with the Resistance, but you have a +10 HP boost. On the downside, its second attack, not too great.

Shaymin holo, good for later game. You get a free "Potion" and get your opponent Asleep for a hopeful stall. If your opponent flips tails twice, bam. 80 damage. Downside, remove the Special Condition.

Shaymin non-holo, IMO, is not shabby AT ALL. Actually, I can see this guy going alright on its own. Energy Blow is fantastic with Sceppy GE, and who doesn't like to heal 20 damage from all of their Pokemon? Again, 80 HP, a 10 HP bonus from the holo one. The second attack is kinda weak, unlike Shaymin holo, and quite expensive for only 40 damage. I'd combo that second attack with Dawn Stadium, Leafeon X, and just heal away. (Shaymin X helps you out a bit too)
Po-Po-Pocchama said:
1) Sky Form
2) Non Holo Land Form
3) Holo Land Form

Sky form can allow T2 Seed Flare, Non Holo can give you another attacker in Torterra or Leafeon, other guy...just fails
