Help Shaymin EX to Buy, or Not to Buy?


Aspiring Trainer
So basically I'm in two minds about buying a playset of Shaymin EX due to not knowing how long there going to be playable for :/

My local's only do standard format so expanded isn't really a option. I know not knows if they're going to rotate or not but has anyone got a educated guess if they will or not?
Hi there! :) The Shaymin EX from ROS is most likely gonna be rotated out this season. If you're just aiming to play at a standard only league, then I wouldn't recommend getting a play set. Maybe 1 or 2. However if you're looking to play competitive, then you'll most likely have to play some expanded tournaments in which case getting a couple Shaymin would be good. Also, if you don't want Shaymin, you could try Octillery, or maybe even the new Oranguru once it comes out. They have similar abilities that draw cards.

Hope this helps!
Hey bud thanks for the reply.

I currently run octilliary the sushi master and don't get me wrong it's good buts it's doesn't compare sadly...

I think I might just take the hit and buy 2 and worst case scenario keep them for Expanded in case I happen to come across a event
It really comes down to what you want to get out of the game. If you want to play at tournaments, then yes, you will most likely need some. If you just want to play casual at league with non-meta decks then you don't need them. If you want to play meta decks at league, but not necessarily at tournaments then look into the World Championship decks. The green one this year has 3 Shaymin in it (Plus other staples), and goes for about $12 on amazon as of right now.

WC decks are NOT tournament legal so you can never ever ever take that copy of Shaymin to a tournament, but for casual or league play that copy will work as long as you sleeve your cards.
I play tournaments at my local store (licenced events) every time I get a chance but they don't allow proxies/ world championship cards etc.

This year I'm hoping to attend some bigger events if I get the chance.