shedinja sv the best card in the set

JusT RobertS x

Aspiring Trainer
i have tried this and it works so well it is unreal they just sit there and cant hit you


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...until they pull out something WITHOUT a pokebody/power. Then you only have 60 HP.

Sure, it's nice against the majority of the metagame, but half of those evolve and have a stage1 version that can damage you enough. Or in SP's case, without leveling up.
mewtwo X says what? it's a great deck with those two together, you just have an incredibly low damage output, but they can't hit you so whatever.
There are things that can KO this card easily, previous evolutions of Gengar and Nidoqueen and those kind of lower evolution cards can KO this.
LOL, people. Shaymin Lv.x..... Nuff said, 100 HP. Pretty good. u need something strong and without poképower to hit this hard enough. and thats rare that cards that hit 100 damage dont have poké bodie or poke power.
blaziken. pokemon can't attack you but they can still use poke powers. blaziken can burn you and wait till you die from burn damage.
ghoztmazta1 said:
LOL, people. Shaymin Lv.x..... Nuff said, 100 HP. Pretty good. u need something strong and without poképower to hit this hard enough. and thats rare that cards that hit 100 damage don't have poké bodie or poke power.

Rampardos (Shedninja cannot prevent this), Machamp, and Kingdra all with expert belt would KO lots of things.
Anything that says "This attack's damage isn't affected by (Weakness,) Resistance, Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies, or any other effects on the (target) Pokemon."

And Dialga G Lv. X also shuts it off.
Shedinja SV is a very good card, granted, and does block many things (it is best used with Ninjask MD), but there are things that circumvent it. Such as, well, Machamp and Kingdra.
nardd said:
...until they pull out something WITHOUT a pokebody/power. Then you only have 60 HP.

Sure, it's nice against the majority of the metagame, but half of those evolve and have a stage1 version that can damage you enough. Or in SP's case, without leveling up.

i used ninjask with it and blaziken fb lvx and blaziken from pl you use ninjask to do parallel drain with dose 70 if they are burned and u have blaziken fb lvx on your bench then heal 70 frim any of your pokemon for 1 energy then when they use somefing with a poke power or boady comes in to play use his first attack to do 40 and 10 to all of your opponents bench when and u can switch him with shedinja and just knock out anythin on there bench that dosent have a poke power or boady.:D

and just rember he dose need any type of energy to use so you can use him in any deck
Dialga G LV.X, Mewtwo LV.X, yeah. Not so fancy. I thought so at first, but I remembered Dialga G LV.X was created. :( He ruins so many decks.
IMO, this is the way to play it

I don't remember if I took out Cherrim, but I found out the extra 10 damage was only on the active
EspeonROX said:
Dialga G LV.X, Mewtwo LV.X, yeah. Not so fancy. I thought so at first, but I remembered Dialga G LV.X was created. :( He ruins so many decks.

i use him with blaziken fb so he sorts dialga out very nicely