this deck is one of my favorites because it uses alot of my fav cards of all time.
19 pokemon
2-2-2 shiftry RR
2 bedew SF
3 roselia
3 rosarade UL
2 eevee
2 umbreon UD
17 T/S/S
3 interviewers
2 judge
2 copycat
2 bebes
1 cheerleaders cheer
3 rare candy
1 great ball
1 lux ball
24 energy
14 {G}
4 special {D}
6 {D}
this is a common strategy. just get shirty out with rosarade on your bench and confuse to make un attackable and use umbreon for things like steelix
19 pokemon
2-2-2 shiftry RR
2 bedew SF
3 roselia
3 rosarade UL
2 eevee
2 umbreon UD
17 T/S/S
3 interviewers
2 judge
2 copycat
2 bebes
1 cheerleaders cheer
3 rare candy
1 great ball
1 lux ball
24 energy
14 {G}
4 special {D}
6 {D}
this is a common strategy. just get shirty out with rosarade on your bench and confuse to make un attackable and use umbreon for things like steelix