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Shiftrey Locking Roserade (BR) citys senors


Aspiring Trainer
3-2-3 Shiftry RR
2-2 Roserade UL
2-1-2 Vileplumb
3 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Unown Q MD
2 Unown R LA

22 pokemon

2 expert belt AC
3 Rare Candy Unleashed
3 Bebe's search RR
3 Copy Cat HS
2 warp points
3 super scoop up
1 Luxury ball
1 Cynthia's Feelings
2 Pokedex
2 Pokemon Collector

27 t/s/s

1 call energy
3 special {D}
3 {D}
4 {G}

11 Energy[/size]

get out 1 Shiftree use copycat or roserade's power to confuse first turn if you get shiftrey and vilplumb and roserade in first few turns you almost have the game won Lock all game and there is no way out of this Lock!
RE: Citys/Br

-2 DCE
-2 Dusk Ball
-1 Volkner's Philosophy

+3 Call Energy
+2 Pokemon Collector

With only one Call Energy, odds are you won't be getting the Call when you need its effect. 4 Call is more consistent and improves you chances of getting Call when yous start. Collector makes it easier to get out Basics later in the game.
RE: Citys/Br

There's not too much to say about this deck, it's a solid idea but I feel like Shiftry would be much better in a trainer lock format. Take this however you want, but if I were to play Shiftry, I'd try something like

3-3-3 Shiftry
2-2-2 Vileplume UD
4 Spiritomb
2-1 Blaziken FB X

As the core of your deck, with other staple cards like Uxie and Azelf and a T/S/S line heavily laced with supporters. It doesn't really matter what you have locked into the active slot if it can't attack, and the only way out of this lock would be Warp Energy.
RE: Citys/Br

Shiftree said:
that'sa good idea but why Blazakin Lv.X just for Dialga G?

Because Dialga G Lv. X would disable all your poke-bodies and turn your trainer lock off.
RE: Citys/Br (Shiftry/Metagross)

Put your Age Division in the Title as well.

dmaster out.
RE: Citys/Br

SeaLegend said:
There's not too much to say about this deck, it's a solid idea but I feel like Shiftry would be much better in a trainer lock format. Take this however you want, but if I were to play Shiftry, I'd try something like

3-3-3 Shiftry
2-2-2 Vileplume UD
4 Spiritomb
2-1 Blaziken FB X

As the core of your deck, with other staple cards like Uxie and Azelf and a T/S/S line heavily laced with supporters. It doesn't really matter what you have locked into the active slot if it can't attack, and the only way out of this lock would be Warp Energy.

You're still going to need an Umbreon counter and Scizor Prime may be your best bet unless they're smart enough not to attach a Special Dark on their Umbreon to bypass Red Armor. Alot of players in my meta are running Umbreon from HS Undaunted and it's THAT good.

With all that Trainer Locking eventually you're going to run into some decks that don't run a whole lot of Trainer cards as they are Supporter based which also cripples the decks function. My Charizard deck runs more Supporter cards than Trainers as it can get around Trainer Lock easily, SP's rely on Trainers the most, while other decks probably run more Supporters.
RE: Citys/Br (Shiftry/Metagross) Seniors

that's true but with the new format SP is gonna be huge and most decks will be playing either Sp trainers or expert belts and rare candys
RE: Citys/Br (Shiftry/Metagross) Seniors

I wouldn't doubt it, but I got to agree with SeaLegend. That's probably the best Pokemon list I've seen for Shiftry except 2 Uxie LA's and 1 Azelf LA would make it a whole lot better.

What If Blaziken FB Lv. X is stuck in your prizes? get it back with Azelf. Uxie and PONT should be in the deck for drawpower. Run more Supporters over Trainers, take the Call Energies out for Rainbow so you can use Luring Flame with Blaziken FB.

After that the deck should perform better, Oh and Metagross SV is a no-go with this deck it has better synergy with Blastoise PT and Gengar SF.
RE: Citys/Br (Shiftry/Metagross) Seniors

IMHO Vileplume is better than Metagross here. An SP Pokemon retreats only with the LevelUp or with the Warp Energy. And a Spiritomb start would be great.
RE: Citys/Br (Shiftry/Metagross) Seniors

Ever thought of using a Dugtrio PL tech in here? maybe a 2-2 line?
they work wonders with shiftry.

Also a memory berry while using nuzleaf's blind, would force retreat. With Dugtrio its an amazing strat!
Maybe I read too quickly, but am I missing something?

I see trainer lock, I see Shifty (opponent rolls tails), I see confused. Problem is, a confused Pokemon can retreat normally.