I want to get a lot of cards in my hand so that Gourgeist can attack for a lot of damage. This is done by Shiftry's Ability and Kangaskhan Ex' attack. This is also the reason why I don't play the usual supporters( N, Colress ) because they make me lose the amount of cards in my hand, this is changed by Tierno and Roller skates.
When this deck gets running (=multiple Shiftry on the bench) it actually works well and Gourgeist can also wall an attack and its mostly a 2HKO for him on other EX Pokemon. But sometimes the deck doesn't get start because All the draw is lost.
Any advice that could solve this?
4 x Seedot FLF
1 x Nuzleaf FLF
4 x Shiftry FLF
2 x Tropius PLB
2 x Pumpkaboo XY
2 x Gourgeist PF
15 Pokemon
1 x Professor Sycamore
1 x Vs Seeker
1 x Lysandre
4 x Tierno
3 x Roller Skates
2 x Energy Retrieval
2 x Pokemon Fan Club
1 x Silver Bangle
2 x Dimensional Valley
2 x Professor's Letter
4 x Rare Candy
2 x Lysandres Last Resort
3 x Ultra Ball
2 x Skyla
30 Trainers
9 x Grass Energy
3 x Psychic Energy
3 x Double Colorless Energy
15 Energy
I want to get a lot of cards in my hand so that Gourgeist can attack for a lot of damage. This is done by Shiftry's Ability and Kangaskhan Ex' attack. This is also the reason why I don't play the usual supporters( N, Colress ) because they make me lose the amount of cards in my hand, this is changed by Tierno and Roller skates.
When this deck gets running (=multiple Shiftry on the bench) it actually works well and Gourgeist can also wall an attack and its mostly a 2HKO for him on other EX Pokemon. But sometimes the deck doesn't get start because All the draw is lost.
Any advice that could solve this?