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Shiftry / Gourgeist


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 x Seedot FLF
    1 x Nuzleaf FLF
    4 x Shiftry FLF
    2 x Tropius PLB
    2 x Pumpkaboo XY
    2 x Gourgeist PF

    15 Pokemon

  • 1 x Professor Sycamore
    1 x Vs Seeker
    1 x Lysandre
    4 x Tierno
    3 x Roller Skates
    2 x Energy Retrieval
    2 x Pokemon Fan Club
    1 x Silver Bangle
    2 x Dimensional Valley
    2 x Professor's Letter
    4 x Rare Candy
    2 x Lysandres Last Resort
    3 x Ultra Ball
    2 x Skyla

    30 Trainers

  • 9 x Grass Energy
    3 x Psychic Energy
    3 x Double Colorless Energy

    15 Energy

I want to get a lot of cards in my hand so that Gourgeist can attack for a lot of damage. This is done by Shiftry's Ability and Kangaskhan Ex' attack. This is also the reason why I don't play the usual supporters( N, Colress ) because they make me lose the amount of cards in my hand, this is changed by Tierno and Roller skates.

When this deck gets running (=multiple Shiftry on the bench) it actually works well and Gourgeist can also wall an attack and its mostly a 2HKO for him on other EX Pokemon. But sometimes the deck doesn't get start because All the draw is lost.

Any advice that could solve this?
RE: Shiftry-Gourgeist

Try tropius PLB. Being able to return for 1 energy and draw up to 6 can really help early on. Also play 4 skyla, 4 ultra ball, and 4 rare candy to get out shiftry asap.

I found 7-8 grass is enough, and drop ghetsis to make space. You can probably drop one prof letter as well.

So my suggestions.
- 2 Grass energy
- 2 Ghetsis
- 1 Professor's Letter
-2 Khangaskhan Ex
+4 Skyla
+1Rare Candy
+2 Tropius PLB.

14 energy is still alot. Maybe add Jirachi as well as 1 more ultra ball. But its up to you to figure out what to drop.
I agree on on the trainers and the energy, and will try Tropius, but I'm scared that the draw from Kangaskhan is better in the whole game, and Tropius is better in the beginning, but I'll surely try it out. Thanks!
You are also going to want to have a few N or shauna in your deck so you dont deck yourself out. which i have done with just shiftry.
I'm preventing that with Lysandres last resort, probably need to add 1 more of that card.
If I am correct you can still run Cheren along with Tierno. The only cards banned from play together are the Professors. Also Cedric Juniper can be played for another draw three power . I think if you add these in you could get a lot more draw power to buff up that Gourgheist even more
Edited the list after playtesting against a VirGen deck today.Added Lysandre and VS Seeker so I can choose which Supporter I can have an extra of in the game.

I tried with less grass energy but I really needed it to get back from an N, so I removed a psychic energy because most of the time I only attack with one Gourgeist in the game. I was N'd for 4 today and was possible to attack for 180 with gourgeist thanks to Professor Juniper, Shiftry and a lucky Roller skates :)

I know Cheren is still legal, but I can't fit any more cards in the deck although I would like to have even more draw :) But Shiftry's ability is really good for it.