shiftry ideas?

Shiftry is usually run with Dugtrio PL so that if they retreat, they take 2 damage counters (so you're punished either way). Copycat is usually used as well to take advantage of Conform. Those are the two obvious ones that come to mind, besides the Memory Berry-Nuzleaf RR Bind lock; your opponent has to flip a coin to attack and a tails will make it fail, but due to Unlucky Wind it will always fail.
You use memory berry, evolve Shiftry from Nuzleaf RR. Keep using Blind. Shiftry's Pokebody stops the opponent from getting heads. Complete lock. DGX is really the only thing that comes to mind that stops that.

EDIT: Ninja'd
Dugtrio's Body Stacks too, so you can use multiple. Magmortar SV inflicts both confusion and burn, both rely upon coin flips. Darkrai MD inflicts sleep.
Annnnd, nevermind he only affects coin flips during their turn >_>
You can also throw in a trainer lock (Vileplume UD) to stop the opponent from using Switch, Warp Point, Super Scoop Up, etc. But if you do, you'd have to change your strategy a bit, as it will be harder to get that Memory Berry out.

But you can always use the Pokémon Contest Hall stadium to get a basic pokemon from your deck and automatically attach a tool card (memory berry) from your deck to that pokemon. And if you do go with a vileplume, obviously Spiritomb is great starter to lock early, but also help you evolve your Oddish/Gloom/Vileplume & seedot/nuzleaf/shiftry.
For retreating how about using victreebel from Triumphant as its poke body makes the opponents active pokemon have 2 more retreat cost.
Itd be so great if victreebel didnt have to be active

All i can think of is dugtrio, magmortor, Darkrai and roserade to just place special conditions on them.
It says on the card: whenever your opponent flips a coin DURING HIS OR HER TURN.

This has nothing with sleep conditions. You flip your coin between turns.

Mostly, rosarade could work, by confusing the defending pokemon, but they still can retreat. There is actually nothing that will prevent retreating. There are some pokemon, Dugtrio, that can give 20 damage if they retreat, but I think that is it.

Just a thought, as shiftry is in the game Grass and Dark, you can use it with the new prime: Yanmega. As you are using Giratina Let loose (???), judge and copycat, so...
I have a build in CDG with Vileplume and Darkrai for sleep lock. Memory Berry could also work.
Sleep lock doesn't work due to the coin flip being in between turns.
Vileplume ain't a bad idea to prevent Warp Point nuking you, but you'll have a rough time fitting him and Dugtrio in.
How about itself?

Shiftry + Memory Berry

Shiftry could use Blind from its previous evolution, nuzleaf.
^that was already said a long time ago
oh whoops misread the scan again. i guess shiftry with memory berry could work ok, but it might need more damage.
That's why you use a Special Dark energy. The point is to use it with cards such as Dugtrio PL that they will be penalized if they retreat - which is what they might have to do since they can't attack. Vileplume can stop a Warp Point from being dropped, further locking your opponent. I don't know of a card that adds retreat in the format that doesn't involve it being the active Pokemon, but Shiftry has a lot of fun options available to it.
If your playing vileplume and memory berry, you need pokemon contest hall. The flippiness doesn't hurt as bad because it will always fail for your opponent.
minimidget94 is right.

Pokemon Contest Hall would even allow you to attach a Tool Card (Memory Berry) to that pokemon you just got, even if youre under trainer lock from your Vileplume. Its perfect for this deck lol

Anyways, I dont know if it was said, but Spiritomb would be a nice starter, to Trainer Lock early, and also, its attack will definitely help you setup considering you'd be running two different Stage 2 lines.