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Shiftry / Milotic / Duskull (lots of FlashFire cards)


Now With Sablenite!
Pokemon: - 18

  • 4 Seedot FF
    2 Nuzleaf FF
    4 Shiftry FF
    2 Feebas FF
    2 Milotic FF
    3 Duskull FF
    1 Jirachi EX PLB
    1 Sigilyph PLB

  • 1 Life Dew (or Comp. Search but I'm not sure which yet)
    4 Juniper
    2 N
    2 Shauna
    2 Colress
    2 Skyla
    3 Rare Candy
    4 Ultra Ball
    2 Startling Megaphone
    1 Professor's Letter
    1 Sacred Ash
    1 Lysandre
    3 Muscle Band
    1 Escape Rope
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
Energy: - 12

  • 8 Grass
    4 Double Colorless

I have Shiftry as my main attacker. His ability is nice, allowing me to draw 3 cards with the discard of 1 Grass Energy. Milotic is my form of energy acceleration, allowing me to attach 3 Grass Energy from my discard pile to a benched or active Shiftry, depending on the situation of the game. Duskull, however may seem like an odd choice. I have Duskull in the deck for his "Revival" attack, which allows me to put a basic Pokemon that my opponent has discarded, say through and Ultra Ball, Juniper, etc. That attack, Revival, powers up Shiftry's Deranged Dance, allowing me to hit for more damage each time I can get a new Pokemon on my opponent's bench, for a maximum damage of 200, 220 with Muscle Band attached to Shiftry. Sigilyph is there to stall against EX's and Jirachi is there to hunt out Supporters. Life Dew is my ACE SPEC of choice since I'll be KOing Milotic to accelerate energy, giving my opponent a Prize. Also Duskull has pretty low HP so Maybe it'll be for Duskull. I have Sacred Ash to get those Milotic and Shiftry and the like back into my deck if I need them. Startling Megaphone is to buy a turn against Garbodor and Lysandre is there so I can get a game-closing KO. The rest of the Trainer Line is fairly standard. I have 8 Grass Energy to take advantage of Milotic as well as 4 DCE to power up a Shiftry that I'm not going to use Energy Grace on.

Any advice?
RE: Shiftry/Milotic/Duskull (lots of FlashFire cards)

I was also thinking about aking a deck like this. One thing I was thinking about doing in the deck is running two sableye with junk hunt as well as a couple of dark energy. You can KO the milotic with the life dew on it and then junk hunt for life dew and another card. Then put the life dew on the next milotic and keep doing that for a couple turns so you can get multiple shifftry set up.

I would take out the jirachi because it is fragile and will give up two prize cards.

Other than that i like the deck
RE: Shiftry/Milotic/Duskull (lots of FlashFire cards)

True. Jirachi EX is pretty frail. With such high supporter counts, I don't really see Jirachi EX being a huge help. The Sableye is a good idea though. It'll allow for some early energy acceleration with Milotic with no giving up of prizes. I may have to do that. Once Sableye goes out of the format I may have to use Diggersby. Not sure. If I wind up running an Item Retriever, then Diggersby is an option. If not, I was thinking of possibly running a 1-1 or 2-2 Floette line to boost Shiftry's health up to around 180 making him harder to KO. What do you think?
RE: Shiftry/Milotic/Duskull (lots of FlashFire cards)

Both are options i thought about once sableye gets rotated. I thing the floette is a great idea because you need bench pokemon anyways, why not play one that increases your main attackes HP. Diggersby could also work to retrive items but i think it will be to clunky.
RE: Shiftry/Milotic/Duskull (lots of FlashFire cards)

Hmm... True. I think that Floette would be a good inclusion once Sableye gets rotated since I can just keep getting Shiftry's HP even higher. 140 HP on a Stage 2 isn't too horrible, but with just 2 Floette in play, my Shiftry gets 180 HP, as much as nearly every EX. And who knows, maybe I'll run a 1-1 Diggersby Line once Sableye is rotated also. I know a place where I can get most of these cards (especially Life Dew) for pretty cheap. Any other suggestions?