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Shiftry / Milotic / Floette / Electrode


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3-3 Shiftry FF
    1-1 Milotic FF
    1-1 Electrode PLF
    3-3 Floette
    1 Mr. Mime PLF

  • 3 Skyla
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Professor's Letter
    2 Switch
    4 Ultra Ball
    4 Professor Juniper
    3 Rare Candy
    1 Energy Retrieval
    4 Evosoda
    2 Virbank City Gym
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser

  • 8 Grass
    4 DCE

Ok so this isn't intended as a deck for your consideration as much as something I know needs work that I need some help touching up. The strategy works much like other Shiftry-Floette decks: get Floettes on the field to boost Grass pokemon HP, then get Shiftry out attacking with Deranged Dance to do at least 80-100 damage due to my benched pokemon as well as additional damage due to my opponent's benched pokemon. The professor's letters search energies to use as fodder for shiftry's leaf draw ability or to fuel deranged dance, and then milotic is tech-ed in to sacrifice for energy grace to get some of the discarded energies onto shiftry as well. The 1-1 Electrode is in there for Magnetic Draw, which acts as the poor man's substitute for Tropical Beach, and the mr. mime prevents my benched floettes and electrode (and feebas before i can evolve it) from getting sniped by things like Darkrai EX. HTL and Virbank are staples, the same goes for Juniper, Skyla, and muscle band. Lastly, there are two switches just in case my opponent plays Lysandre or something of that nature. Honestly, I want you guys to tear this deck apart as bad as possible, so long as its in the spirit of improving the deck's basic structure without forcing me to spend too much money.
With this sort of deck you will have big hands (much bigger than 4 cards) thanks to leaf draw. So Electrode will be next to useless, and Juniper will discard all of your resources.
-1-1 Electrode
-2 Juniper

You need more draw cards
+3 N
+1 Colress/Shauna