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Shiftry / Milotic


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 20

  • 4-2-4 Shiftry FF
    2-2 Milotic FF
    2-2 Floette (Flower Veil)
    1 Druddigon
    1 Virizion-EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 28

  • 3 Ultra Ball
    1 Life Dew
    1 Super Rod
    3 Rare Candy
    2 Evosoda
    2 Silver Bangle
    2 Startling Megaphone
    1 Professor's Letter
    2 Energy Retrieval
    4 Prof. Sycamore
    3 Skyla
    2 Colress
    2 N
Energy: 12

  • 4 DCE
    8 Grass

Set up Shifty as fast as possible with Evosodas and Rare Candies. His ability, Leaf Draw lets you draw 3 cards for discarding one grass energy. He is your main attacker of the deck. For 1 grass and 2 colorless energy, he does 20x the number of benched pokemon (yours and your opponents). Because of th high energy cost of Shifty's attack, I use Milotic to set him up more quickly. Milotic's ability knocks itself out to attach 3 basic energy to one of your pokemon. Floette just allows Shiftry to gain 20 HP.

I think this deck might have some potential, but it's main weakness is the new fire pokemon that are going to be released (Charizard EX). Please leave your feedback and tell give some suggestions! [/align]
RE: Shiftry/Milotic? (skeleton list)

Maybe add in Virizion-EX and 1-2 more energies? You also need some N, and a couple Startling Megaphone to battle against Garbodor. And I believe the 3-3 Milotic line is a bit thick, because it might give your opponent too many prizes... So.
- 1-1 Milotic
-1 Super Rod
-1 Colress(you DON'T want to draw this T1)
Free Space: 10
+2 N
+1 Virizion-EX
+2 Grass Energy
+2 Startling Megaphone
+1 Professor's Letter
+2 Energy Retrieval

Hope I could help!
RE: Shiftry/Milotic? (skeleton list)

Luispipe8 said:
Maybe add in Virizion-EX and 1-2 more energies? You also need some N, and a couple Startling Megaphone to battle against Garbodor. And I believe the 3-3 Milotic line is a bit thick, because it might give your opponent too many prizes... So.
- 1-1 Milotic
-1 Super Rod
-1 Colress(you DON'T want to draw this T1)
Free Space: 10
+2 N
+1 Virizion-EX
+2 Grass Energy
+2 Startling Megaphone
+1 Professor's Letter
+2 Energy Retrieval

Hope I could help!
Thanks for the help! :D Hope this would work out. I just wish Virizion-EX was a little cheaper.
RE: Shiftry/Milotic? (skeleton list)

Black_Bullet said:
Luispipe8 said:
Maybe add in Virizion-EX and 1-2 more energies? You also need some N, and a couple Startling Megaphone to battle against Garbodor. And I believe the 3-3 Milotic line is a bit thick, because it might give your opponent too many prizes... So.
- 1-1 Milotic
-1 Super Rod
-1 Colress(you DON'T want to draw this T1)
Free Space: 10
+2 N
+1 Virizion-EX
+2 Grass Energy
+2 Startling Megaphone
+1 Professor's Letter
+2 Energy Retrieval

Hope I could help!
Thanks for the help! :D Hope this would work out. I just wish Virizion-EX was a little cheaper.

Yeah, that's a bummer... :/ Maybe someone can borrow it to you? But still, it's not a crucial part of the deck.
I mean, its getting cheaper with FF cos of fire support. If that helps. Also,
-1 Life Dew
+1 Comp Search
-1 Evosoda
+1 Rare candy
That is all. First one is definitely opinionated, but for consistency (seeing as you don't run beach) I suggest what I have suggested. The second.... Archeops is too over expected. There is no need apart from a little 1 off tech.