BW/BW2 Shikijika (Deer Pokemon) Pre-evo of Stantler?

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Hitmontop is the best XD
Just think about it. They are both deer. Shikijika has yellow "hair" and Stantler has yellow antlers. Stantler is a dud Pokemon. Stantler doesn't look like it should be the first thing in the evolution line.:D

Post your thoughts.
Nah... look at it's mouth thing.... It's weird.
This will probably be locked, too, just so you know.
at first glance it kinda did but i think it might look a little to femanine to be a pre evo of stantler
I wouldn't call this a Munna>Drowzee all over again, cause this time it actually DOES look like a pre-evo to Stantler xD
Yep, no more Pre-Evo/Evo threads. Use Random Speculation.


dmaster out.
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