BW/BW2 shining snivy lv.5 for trade Pokémon black or white

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Aspiring Trainer
have a shining snivy for trade. I am looking for any other starters. my FC is 5414 9401 9999 name: KENDYL

post here, first to come gets it. im on wifi now.
RE: shining snivy lv.5 for trade Pokémon black or white

Is it legit?

I have a Level 1 Newly Hatched Snivy and can get a Oshawott too, just need to breed and hatch it.
RE: shining snivy lv.5 for trade Pokémon black or white

ok, yes, I got it from a trade. and its in a pokeball, I would like an oshawitt. deal? I can be on wifi for the next half hour if you can
RE: shining snivy lv.5 for trade Pokémon black or white

yes i will add you and complete when i get home, only 10mins away from current location, will PM you when ready
RE: shining snivy lv.5 for trade Pokémon black or white

Chariblaze said:
Use the Trade Now thread, stickied at the top of the forum, for simple, one-time trades such as these. Normal threads in this forum are meant for people to post lists of Pokemon they want and have to trade.
dmaster said:

Besides, it seems you've already found someone to trade with, rendering this thread useless.
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