DPPt/HGSS Shining Suicune

Good trades and battle. +1 each since I can't rep you twice in 48 hours.
-1 for battle.

The battle took a total time of 58 minutes!! To complete. I used my moves straight away and it took Shining Suicune on an average 3 minutes to select his move. The longest time i had to wait was 9 minutes!!! I do not reccommend battling with this person unless you have alot of spare time.
PMJfan001 said:
-1 for battle.

The battle took a total time of 58 minutes!! To complete. I used my moves straight away and it took Shining Suicune on an average 3 minutes to select his move. The longest time I had to wait was 9 minutes!!! I do not reccommend battling with this person unless you have alot of spare time.
I told you, something came up, and my wi-fi was acting up for some reason.
I will give you a +1 for battle. Sorry the battle didn't go more your way.