So, I decided to make a favour to everyone here and because I was trying to bring back my interest in pokemon by taking a break, I'll serve as your Pokemon Hunter in return for.....NOTHING! BUT, only 3 randomnly picked users of this topic's posters will be the lucky ones to ask for a shiny and wait for me to get it for them.
Because the pokemon will NOT be hacked it might take some time to find. But I might also be lucky.
I can't guarantee for gender, ability, nature etc.
Don't double post. The ONLY posts you'll make here are something like "I'm in!" or "Count me in!", now, once the winners are announced they'll have to give me their FCs (Friend Codes) and IGN (Ingame Names) so I can give them their pokemon.
I'll be updating the topic with a list of users in the contest. In 2 days I'll RANDOMLY pick the 3 lucky users that will request me pokemon. Any users requesting after the announcement of the victorious users will not be counted.
Do NOT post your request unless you are chosen.
I'll be using this as my hunting team.
Mamoswine, Raticate, Swoobat, Beedrill, Persian and Psyduck.
Pokemon Hunter E. at your service! You may now post! The more the better!
1. thegrovylekid
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