Wi-Fi Trades Shiny Mightyenas and Sandile for Trade, and More!


Aspiring Trainer
Friend Code: 3282-3494-8945
In-game name(s): Lemon Pledge; Yes'm
Looking for: Trades Only

-Lv 30 Shiny Mightyena - Female - Perfect IVs in Sp Atk and Speed, Serious Nature
-Lv 30 Shiny Mightyena - Female - Perfect IVs in Sp Def and Speed, Quirky Nature
-Lv 30 Shiny Mightyena - Female - Perfect IVs in Sp Def and Attack, Hasty Nature
-Lv 30 Shiny Sandile - Male - Perfect IVs in Sp Def and Speed
-Uxie, Mespirit, Azelf

Special Services
-Can breed you Phione as needed

-Shiny Sableye (what I've been hunting while I found all these other Dark shinies)
-Any Shiny Ghosts EXCEPT (and including any evolution of): Pumpkaboo, Duskull, Phantump, Litwick
-Will trade 2 shinies or 1 + Uxie/Mespirit/Azelf/Phione for any evolution of shiny Gastly
-Will trade all of the above for shiny Giratina
-Will consider other shinies EXCEPT Zoroark, Relicanth

Thanks everyone and in the mean time, wish me luck with my Sableye hunt.