Yesterday, I was getting the Mew event, and afterward checked the GTS.
When I checked my Platinum, I got a shiny Shaymin. I don't know what I put up for it because it's been so long since I last checked.
It doesn't seem hacked (no omega stats, weird ID, messed up moves, etc.) except for the fact it was a fateful encounter at level 30, and it was obtained obtained on Feb. 6, 2010, which is not when the Platinum event was going on. The person could have SR'd for months and then cloned it, but still, a little suspicious. Help?
When I checked my Platinum, I got a shiny Shaymin. I don't know what I put up for it because it's been so long since I last checked.
It doesn't seem hacked (no omega stats, weird ID, messed up moves, etc.) except for the fact it was a fateful encounter at level 30, and it was obtained obtained on Feb. 6, 2010, which is not when the Platinum event was going on. The person could have SR'd for months and then cloned it, but still, a little suspicious. Help?