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Shock wave (heatran/magnezone)

baroness meena

Professor Beech

I'm new to this forum and wondered if you could give me a fresh aspect on this deck. I've not been running it long but it has evolved from a straight ultramagnus style deck. I play around with a few different decks T-tar drapion and machamp and this is just my new little project.

Pokemon 22
1 x Heatran ({R}AR)
1 x Heatran LV.X
3 x Magnemite (2 sF{M} /1TU{L})
2 x Magneton (SF1{L}1{M})
2 x Magnezone (SF{L} )
1 x Magnezone LV.X
1 x Chansey (HGSS)
1 x Blissey (HGSS)
1 x Uxie (LA)
1 x Azelf (LA)
1 x Unown Q
3 x Spiritomb (AR)
1 x Electrike (PL)
1 x Manectric (PL)
1 x Palkia & Dialga Legend
1 x Palkia & Dialga Legend

Trainer/Supporter/Stadium 26
2 x Pokemon Collector
3 x Bebe's Search
3 x Seeker
1 x VS Seeker
1 x Palmer's Contribution
1 x Luxury Ball
3 x Level Max
1 x Interviewer's Questions
2 x Professor Oak's New Theory
2 x Switch
1 x Warp Point
1 x Pokemon Communication
1 x Premier Ball
1 x Rare Candy
1 x Junk Arm
1 x Bench Shield
1 x Conductive Quarry

Energy 12
4 x Lightning Energy - Basic
4 x Metal Energy - Special
2 x Metal Energy - Basic
2 x Rainbow Energy - Special

Start with spiritomb to stall and get a magnezone and manectric set up. retreat with unown or knock out spiritomb and use level max to get heatran lv x and maybe magnezone lv x. bench shield for manectric to prevent snipes (other than damage counters). use cyber shock for paralysis and heatran lv x power attaches energy back (if basic) also have power on magnezone if heatran not set up or special metal and conductive quarry to get discarded electric and metal energy. use energy trans to move to undamaged pokemon to allow blissey to heal all pokemon without losing energy. seeker back up for another go. gyro ball can be used to get out of active and put up 'sacrificial lamb' if in trouble. can build second magnezone also to gyro ball to and spread damge for when blissey can't heal. The general pixies for draw power and help if vital card is prized.

I would appreciate any suggestions with the deck.

I am open to anything :D
I see so you're making additional use of heatran and running magnazone as you're mainline attacker. I'm sorry but PDL is not good for this strategy, reason, why would you waste you're turn's putting energy on PDL when you could just stack it on magnezone instead, it seems like a really werid way to beat around the bush. So my suggestion is for you to drop PDL to make heatran 2-2 so you can abuse maganezone's attack alot more. cya
Thank you for the comments!!
The main reason I find DPL viable is the energy movement of magnezone lv x and then heatran lv x ensuring i don't lose the energies. Giving the opponent losts of prizes while only losing two if it gets knocked out. Its an option late game if prizes are close.
I was considering a 2-2 heatran and will play test to see how it works :)
All suggestions taken on board!!
You'd be discarding energy you would have put on him or taken out of the discard to put onto DPL so he could put it in the discard, couldn't you have just put that energy on magnezone instead so it could just deal more dmg. Not to mention but late game you don't nessarly want to start thinking about staling them some more but hammering you're opponent so they can't attack back. cya
I've added in warp energy to get heatran out of the firing line in event of trainer lock. I'm also going to take dialga palkia legend out for another heatran line. Initially the ability to move energy to it as soon as its down and add prizes to oponent without the loss of the energies made me think it may work... But after play testing it I never used it and found it a waste of space.

- 1 rainbow
+1 warp energy

-dialga palkia legend
+ 1-1 heatran ( {M}LA & Lv X)

I would welcome any other suggestions :)