Ruling shokwave marker


Aspiring Trainer
I want to know if the shokwave marker from tiranitar ex goes away when my oponent evolves the pokemon with the marker...does the same happen when plays a lv.x ?and what about the marker with the gardevoir ex?...same thing?
thx for your time
Compendium said:
Q. What ways can a Pokémon get rid of an attached "Imprison" marker or "Shock-wave" marker?
A. Evolving, devolving, leveling up (i.e. LV.X), leaving play, and Tropius' "Tropical Heal" Poké-POWER are currently the only ways to get rid of an Imprison or Shock-wave Marker. Retreating or benching does NOT get rid of the marker. (May 31, 2007 PUI Rules Team)
if gardevoir places a shockwave marker on a poke and Gardevoir is knocked out does the marker remain?